Sunday, May 1, 2016

Am I Spoiled?

I need to apologize for my Mom.  She's been awful busy lately and just didn't have time to do my blog last week.  (Did you notice that I didn't appear in your email last week?)  She said she might have to go another week, but I couldn't let her do that.  We have to be consistent, I told her.  She threw up her hands and told me to do it myself then!

So I am.  I've decided to do a survey because I keep hearing complaints that I am a spoiled puppy.  And I don't really think I am.  Sure there are reasons to think that I may be slightly (only slightly) spoiled.  For example, I have my very own water fountain.  And all I have to do is look adoringly and the water flows into the bowl so I can drink it.

And I guess it's pretty special that I have my own back yard to sunbathe in.
And there probably aren't a lot of puppies that get to cuddle with their Dad on the sofa.
Some might even think that the fact that I get a dollop of whipped cream whenever mom makes tea for Dad is perhaps over the top.
Let's not forget, however, all of the many things I do to deserve this special treatment.  For instance, I get the newspaper every day.  Come rain or shine.  ('Cept there hasn't been any rain since I started getting the paper.)

And I go to the doctor and follow my diet when mom says I should.

And I try to stay healthy by doing my yoga exercises every chance I get.

And here I am doing mom's blog for her.  I don't think I am a spoiled dog.  I think I get my due.  Don't you?

I wish you would vote on the comments section of my blog and say whether you think I am spoiled or not.  I'm trying to get my readers to use my comments section so I can see if it works. 

Thanks for your vote.

Love, G




1 comment:

  1. Hey, Guinness. It is the Durbin family philosophy that all dogs should be spoiled, to a certain extent.

    As for your particular survey, we vote not spoiled. We gather that you do work to earn you keep!


Please leave me any questions or comments you have for me. But please be polite. My feelings get hurt real easy.

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...