Sunday, May 15, 2016

Circle of Bones

 For those of you who know my Mom, you know that she is into this mumbo jumbo time travel in Scotland.  You know, where they go through some old stones and end up in the year 1747 with a guy named Jamie and a gal named Claire?  I think there is a book called "Outlander" and it was written by Diana Gabaldon who lives here is Scottsdale and sells her books at a store called the "Poisoned Pen."  (I really like that name!  Imagine what you could do with a poisoned pen -- "Take that! you nasty Rattle Snake" and then you stick him with your poisoned pen!  That would be real fun.  Uh oh, I'm doing that digressing thing again.

Anyway, mom went to the Poisoned Pen and met this Mrs. Gabaldon.  Lots of people were buying books and having her sign them.  Mom brought her Scotland photo book instead and had her sign the page where she was hiding in the magic stones that let you time travel.  She thought that was cool.

So I decided to have some fun with Mom.  We have stones outside that are in a circle.  They look like this:

But I went and filled the circle with my bones. 

When mom came out later, I chased her around the yard like I sometimes do, and she jumped when she saw my "Circle of Bones".

(They look really eerie, don't they?  I wonder where you can travel if you use bones instead of stones?  Maybe I could go meet dogs in old Egypt.  Or maybe the bones would come alive and they would be big mean cows!  I don't think I would like that.)
After mom stopped being surprised, she asked me if I had put the bones there.  I said no, but I don't think she believed me.  Why do you think she wouldn't believe me?

Thank you to those of you who sent me comments.  There aren't a lot of them.  Maybe no one is reading my blogs anymore.  I need to see if I can get more people to read my blogs.  It's more fun when lots of people read my blogs.

Stay away from magic stones if you want to stay in 2016.

Love, G


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