Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Guess what?  I have allergies.  Actually I don't sneeze that much.  I scratch.  And scratch.  Until something gets pretty red and then Mom gets weird.  She calls the vet. 

I really wish she wouldn't call the vet.  'Cuz then she always end up bringing me in.  I do not like the vet.  The last time she brought me to the vet, she left me there for a long time.  They gave me a bath and trimmed my toe nails and brushed my teeth and made me sit while they used a hair dryer on me.  (She wanted me to be clean for the Alzheimer patients when I was doing my Therapy testing.)  That's foo-foo stuff.  I don't like it.  And I don't like being at the vet.

When we got there this time, I tried to run back out the front door.  Didn't work.  They were on to me.  They put me in a room and shut the door.

The room was kinda cute, actually.  There was a bulletin board with my name on it.

"Welcome, Guinness."  That's me - Guinness.  But you knew that.  I didn't much like the poster next to it.  Did you know that dogs can get Valley Fever?  Do you know what Valley Fever is?  Me neither.  But I don't think I have it.

I looked around to see what else was in the room.  (There might just be a way out.)  I found a television. 

The television wasn't on.  That would have been nice to have the television on.  I could maybe watch some shows and not think about all the awful things that could happen in that room. 

There were also some neat pictures on the walls.  I really liked these:

I didn't so much like this one.  (I think my Auntie Deb the Dentist would like it a whole lot!)
After surveying the walls.  I decided to find a way to escape. 
To start with, the door was big.  And I don't know how to open doors anyway.  (You might remember my blog about Doggie Doors?    Doggie Doors    This door wasn't any easier.

Then I thought.  Maybe, if I back away and look the other way, someone might open the door and I could rush the door and escape!
  Shoot, not happenin'!
Well, I finally DID get out.  But not after a bunch of poking and probing.  And they weighed me again.  63.6 pounds.  Mom's putting me on a diet again.  I've just GOT to figure out how to stop going to the vet!
Any ideas?
Love, G.


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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...