Thursday, March 22, 2018

Owee at the Dog Park

I've mostly been telling you about my jobs these days.  But I've been having fun and going to the Dog Park sometimes, too.

Mom and I went one day a couple of weeks ago and there were lots and lots of big dogs.  That's not the usual.  Usually there are only four or five dogs and some of them are tiny.

We played hard and they liked my Frisbee.  That's my favorite day at the dog park when the other dogs play with me and my Frisbee. 

Only things got a little rough this day. 

I was running and jumping and playing and suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my paw (foot to you humans).  

I stopped and hopped around a bit, and Mom came running.  I scared her, 'cuz I was bleeding, too.  (She hates blood.  Especially if it's someone else's and not hers.  So she was a little upset.)  She rushed me to the car and grabbed Dad's car towel.  (Dad keeps a white towel in the car for emergency spills.  He wasn't going to like my bleeding on his white towel.  But I guess he might not like me bleeding on his car seat either.)  

Mom took me to the Vet right then.  We got in without an appointment.  They said I had just broken off my Dew Claw.  But it hurt!  So they cleaned it up and put a real pretty bandage on it.

I would have liked to wear my bandage to class the next morning, but Mom said I couldn't.  They don't like it when the Therapy Dogs have "issues" in class.  I guess they're afraid I might bite one of the kids if they touched my bandage.  I wouldn't do that.  I might cry a little if it hurt, but I would never hurt one of my kids. 

Anyway,  I liked my bandage and I'm still going to go to the Dog Park.  It was just a accident!

Hope you have a good week and no accidents, but if you do, I hope you like your bandage, too.

Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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