Wednesday, March 7, 2018


Mom is in Connecticut visiting my Grandma.  So she asked me to do the blog.  She said I could do anything I wanted.  I decided to tell you about how Financial Genius runs in our family.

At least, that's what I call it.  My Mom and Dad don't seem to appreciate it as much as I do.

You see, my Mom is an  Attorney/CPA and she has worked for a long time with financial stuff for other people.  So I figured that I should try to help her.  Since I'm a part of this family, I like to be able to make a contribution.  

I got involved first when I helped her to figure out all her CPA credits when she got audited.  I told you about that in a previous story.  You remember this picture?
I worked hard getting those records in order for her.  But we managed.

Then there was the time I checked out Dad's paycheck.  I picked it apart to make sure he had been paid sufficiently.  He and Mom weren't very happy with my work, though.  They told me I shouldn't help like that.  I think they had to ask for another paycheck.

Then there was the $22 that Mom's friends had left for her on the coffee table.  I was afraid someone might steal the money, so I took it off the coffee table and tried to fold it up to hide it.  Unfortunately, it all came apart and ended up in pieces.  

They got all their money back anyway.  I left the serial numbers intact.  I knew enough to do that at least.

A few months ago, my dad left his checkbook out on the table.   I checked through it (do you like the pun?  I "checked" through his checkbook?  Guess you had to be there.)  I wanted to make sure he had recorded all his checks correctly.  But somehow there were some pieces missing after I finished. 

I think Mom put the checkbook away before Dad could see it.  Probably for the best.  

Last week we got an insurance statement in the mail.  So I was looking at that and it lost some pieces too. 

I don't know what happens to these things.  I'm just trying to be helpful with my financial genius.  

I must have taken care of all the business by now.  'Cuz lately there haven't been any financial documents where I can see them.  So I think we must have taken care of them all.  

If you need me to help you with your financial affairs, please just call.  I'm available now that I don't have any to help Mom with.

Love, G

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