Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Twas the Night Before Christmas

And a stocking was hung by the Chimney with care,
 'cuz good ol'  St. Nick had already been there!

Mom took down the stocking & gave it to me;
Is this a trick?  I'm sure it COULD be!

But low and behold, there was stuff that I like
Things good to eat, not some silly old bike.

And this colorful round thing, I think its a ball
Yes, Mom is throwing it straight down the hall.

But what is it made of, I must find out fast

I really don't think this ball's going to last.

Oh, well, at least I enjoyed all the treats;
And this morning mom baked some really good eats.

At least that's what she said she was doing, you see,
She called it a Dutch Baby, but how could that be?
I've met lots of babies and if this one is Dutch,
I can't say that I like them that much!

So hope you all had a wonderful day;
Merry Christmas to all; I'm hitting the hay!

Love G

Friday, November 23, 2018

What I'm Thankful For

I had a nice Thanksgiving.  Did you?  This week all my furry (and some not so furry) friends came around.  Some we haven't seen in a long time.

First we saw a javelina right outside Mr. & Mrs. Gerry & Grants front yard.  (They're the ones who bought treats just for me.  Not the ones who bake treats just for me.  That's Mr. & Mrs. Shannon and Joe.)  Gerry & Grant live next to my favorite green spot where I play with Boss and Roxie.  I know - it's hard to keep all my friends straight!

Anyway, here's the javelina staring right into Mom's camera.

I circled the javelina so you tell which is the javelina and which is the cactus.  I think it's skin is a lot like a cactus so you might get confused.

Then Mom and Dad went to play golf and they came back and told me about the coyote they saw on the golf course.  First he picked up Dad's ball and spit it out 'cuz he thought it was food but it didn't taste good.  Then he tried to capture a bird that was eating grass seed but the birds all flew away.  He must have been really hungry.  Then he planted himself right in front of a sand trap on the green and watched the golf balls sail over his head.  When Mom and Dad and the people they were playing with came up to the green to putt, Coyote got up and stole a pink ball and went into the desert.  That must have been fun to watch.

That same evening, after Mom and Dad got back I saw something move outside.  Sometimes Mom leaves the shades open just a little in the living room and I can see stuff that goes on outside.  I didn't know what this was, but I gave a big bark to let them know there was something out there.  Mom laughed and said, Guinness, don't worry we have it all under control."  But I didn't think she did, so I went up to Dad and whined to him so he said we could go take a look.  Well as soon as he opened the door, there was Bob Katt, waiting for me on our front walk.  I tried to go out to say hello, but Dad told me No! so I didn't.  But I know Bob Katt saw me and it made me feel good to see him again after a long time.

Then...Mom and Dad went to play golf the next day, which was Thanksgiving.  They told me that on the 17th fairway, there was a whole family of javelinas wandering off the fairway into the desert.  And at the end, there were two of them who must have decided that they were being left out and went hustling right across the grass to get with their family.  They were probably in for the holidays and were afraid they would get lost.  Mom said it was really funny to see those big old bodies hoofing it over the fairway.

So I've been sitting at home watching to see if any of my other friends come around.  

This morning two big owls swooped by us.  I guess everybody is here for Thanksgiving.  And that's what I'm thankful for this year!

Hope you have a lot of friends visit you over the holidays!

Love, G

Friday, November 2, 2018

Super Dog Reigns!

In case you might have missed it, it was Halloween last Wednesday.  And what a day I had!  First of all, it was also the day I started back at the Elementary School.  And that was fun.

See, this time instead of all 7th & 8th graders, I had 7 kids:  1 from each grade starting with kindergarten up to 6th grade.  The one kindergarten student was a tiny little girl.  But she wasn't afraid of me.  She watched the other kids, and came right up and petted me under the chin and on the chest.  Just like the video we all watched said they should.  "Chin or Chest - That's the Best" is what the little dog in the video told them.  Well, he wasn't a real dog talking.  He was a cartoon with a New Zealand accent.  But he was pretty smart.

The 6th grader was a nice looking young man.  And boy did he like to talk.  But he was polite about it.  And he liked me 'cuz Mom told them that I had been in a Foster Home.  I guess four of these kids were in Foster Homes now.  Brent, the 6th Grader, was in one.  He asked Mom, "Do dogs really have foster homes, too?  Were you a foster parent?"  Mom told him that she was a Forever Parent (for which I am very glad!)

I dressed up for the kids since it was Halloween.  This is me being Super Dog!  Kinda cool, huh?  

But I thought those kids would never come.  I just stared and stared at the door till they finally came.  Then they were all over me.  Mom and Ms Dugan (the Social Worker) had to stop them so they would do it the right way.  You know, ask Mom if it's OK to pet me first.  Or as my little New Zealand cartoon friend says, "Check it's Sweet - Before you Meet!  He knows his stuff.

After school we went home and I had to take a nap because Mom and Dad were taking me out to dinner.  But first, Mom said we needed to go see Gerry and Grant down the street.  They really like me and a couple of weeks ago, they went out and bought a whole bag of treats, just for me when I come by and see them.  Isn't that the bees knees!  They are so swell.  So Mom put on my Superman Cape and we went down to their house.  They were outside waiting for Trick or Treaters and they were so happy to see me!  Gerry kept asking Mom if she could give me another treat until I had at least five treats, and then Mom said that was enough.  It's NEVER enough when treats are involved.  But I said hello to both of them and to their neighbor who was sitting outside with them.

Then Mom and Dad and me (is that supposed to be "I"?) anyway, we all went out to dinner on the Pinnacle Peak Patio.  We met Mom and Dad's friends who always make me my very own Dog Treats and they brought me some to dinner.  It was lots of fun.  I really like those friends!  I hope I get to go to dinner with them again.

All in all, it was a wonderful Halloween Day and Night.  I even saw some scary little witches when we were walking after dinner.  But I wasn't scared, 'cuz I knew they were the kids down the street who just dressed up as witches.  Just like I dressed up like Superman.  

I hope you had a great Halloween like I did!

Love, G

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Catching Up

I have stories to share from last month, (remember Mom couldn't get the Blog to work so we had to stop for awhile).  I've been storing up stories  (that's good, huh?  Storing Stories.  What would they call that?  It's not alliteration which I know is a bunch of S sounds, but if you use a verb and a noun that are the same word at the same time.  That's pretty clever; that's what I call it).  Anyway, here's  a story from when Mom and Dad were in Europe.

I stayed with Jan (of course, who else would I stay with!).  And I met lots and lots of friends.  There was Big Kona.  He kinda looks like me, don't you think?  He's very polite, just like me.  He let me play with toys and he never tried to take them away.  

Then there was Daisy.  I really liked playing with Daisy.  And sometimes she would get on the couch, and I would get on the couch with her.  She let me be her special friend.  I liked that.

And sometimes when we would play hard, we would go on the couch and just veg.  "Cuz we were DONE! DONE! DONE!

Then there was Rudy.  Rudy thought he could stare me down.  But nobody stares Guinness down.  ('cept maybe Mom.)  But no dog can stare me down.  I'm too good at it.  

But then, I've had lots of practice staring at Mom when I want her to do something.

So I had lots of fun at Jan's even though I missed Mom and Dad.  

But let me tell you one more story before I go.  It's about more dog friends.  This just happened yesterday.  We were walking and we saw two of my friends playing in a park.  All by themselves!  It was Winston and Ollie.  They're brothers.   Mom said, "This can't be right.  These guys shouldn't be out here with no one around."  So she checked their collars and there was a phone number and an address.  No one answered the phone.  (They were probably out looking for Winston and Ollie.)

Luckily, Mom had her raincoat on and the raincoat had these two long ties on each side of it.  So she tied up Ollie to one side and Winston to the other.  Then I led the way and we took my friends back home.  It was pretty funny.  Their Mom was just getting into the car to go look for us so she was really happy we had brought them home.  It was a nice end of our day!

Hope you have lots of friends to stare at and sit with and make sure they get home OK.

Love, G  

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

In the Dog House Once Again

You guessed it.  Dad left his check book out and I tried to help out again.  I just don't get how it all goes wrong, but here it is:

I just thought I was helping to balance the check book.  I know Dad has a hard time doing it, 'cuz he always asks Mom to do it for him.  But when I try, it just falls apart! 

Dad was mad at me, as usual.  He said I was old enough to know better.  Mom tried to take my side.  (She always does.)  She said he should look at it in a different way and give me a break.  She said that it was like the fact that she always loses her tickets.  She should be old enough to be able to keep track of her tickets, but it just doesn't work.  So Dad doesn't let her hold the tickets.  Whenever they go to a ball game, he takes them away from her so they don't disappear before the game.  She said to Dad, "You should give him the same break as you give me."  Dad didn't see it that way.  (So Mom's being extra careful to put the checkbooks away when they go out these days.  Thanks, Mom.)

I was thinking, too.  (Sometimes I think too much, I think.  See, that's too many thinks in one sentence!)  Dad kinda has a double standard for me in other ways.  For example.  He always says Mom spoils me 'cuz she hides my allergy pill in peanut butter when she puts it in with my food.  He says I should just eat it and not worry about it.  But she puts whipped cream on top of his outmeal ('cuz he doesn't really like oatmeal but he eats it 'cuz it's good for him).  Isn't that spoiling him?  I don't get the difference.  

It's all a conundrum!

Maybe when I get to be 100 I might understand it.  Humans are just weird.

Hope you understand the world better than I do.

Love, G

Monday, September 24, 2018

Back to Work at the Library

Like I keep saying:  California was a lot of fun.  But I wanted to get back to my kids at the library.  I missed them a lot.

So Mom and I headed out.  Did I ever tell you how we go right by my Doggie Park to get to the library?  We do, but I don't get all excited about it like I do when I know we're going to the Dog Park.  If it's time to go to the Dog Park, I jump and whine when we get close until Mom makes me stop.  But I can't.  I'm too excited to be going to my Dog Park.

When we go to the library, I don't get excited when we go by the Dog Park, 'cuz I know we're going to the Library.  Mom says she doesn't get how I know when we're going to the Park and when we're going to the Library.  But that's easy.  We go to the Library on Thursday afternoons.   We only go to the Dog Park in the mornings.  Everybody knows that!  I don't see what's so hard.  But then, my Mom is easily impressed by the things I do.

Anyway, we got to the library and at first it was kinda slow.  But then a teeny, tiny little girl came up to me with a cookie in her hand.  I knew I couldn't have her cookie unless she offered it to me, so I sat real still for her.  (I kept saying in my head, "Give me the cookie, give me the cookie." I was hoping she would hear me and give me her cookie.)  And she broke off a piece and held it out to me, so I took it real quick before she changed her mind.  She giggled and broke off another piece for me.  I really liked this little girl.  

But this little one was too little to read to me.  Mom said she was only about 2.  I'm lots older than she is.  So we looked for more friends to come over and read to me.  And two of my old girl friends came over to see me.  They were glad to see me again and they gave me a big hug.  Then they both read a book to me.  One gal read my Guinness book to me and they laughed at my pictures.  I didn't care.  I just liked them to read to me.

 After that, their Mom took pictures of them so they could be in my blog.  They're pretty cute, don't you think?  I sure liked getting my ears scratched!  Almost as much as getting read to. And they were really good readers.

I hope they come back to see me another time.  And the little girl with the cookies.  She could come and see me again too if she wanted to.

Hope you have some cute kids to keep you company when you go to work!

Love, G

Friday, August 31, 2018

Reissued: California is over & they're leaving again!

Mom finally fixed the blog thingy I think.  So I'm going to try and send to you what I meant to send 3 weeks ago.  Hope you get this:

We had a great last week in California.  I went to the dog park again.  It was a Saturday and so there were lots and lots of pups.  I found an old Frisbee and this other pup and I pulled on it and pulled on it until it divided.  I fell back with the round Frisbee and he got the white insides.  We were both surprised!

Not as much fun as tug-a-war!

Then we went back to the dog beach.  I got to run up and down the beach while Mom  & Dad just walked.  I made a lot of friends.  A couple of cute chicks really dug me!
It's not easy being as handsome as I am. 

Mom made a video of my "Signature Flop" in the water.  Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to upload the video to this blog (she's such a dinosaur), so you'll just have to go visit her if you want to see it.  

But now we're back in Scottsdale and they're packing again!  I can't believe it.  We just got back.  This time, I really can tell that I'm not going with them.  They're using Mom's favorite Wheelie and they only use that when they go on a plane.  They told me about planes and I don't think I'd like to go on one.  But I sure don't want them leaving me again.

I tried to look really forlorn and mope around a bit.  Maybe that would make them not go.  Tell me what you think:

Here I am groveling at Dad's feet.  And still he's not budging.  Do I not look forlorn enough?

Hope your people stay around for you once in a while.

Love, G

Monday, August 27, 2018

Monday, August 6, 2018

California is over and they're leaving again!

Mom finally fixed the blog thingy I think.  So I'm going to try and send to you what I meant to send 3 weeks ago.  Hope you get this:

We had a great last week in California.  I went to the dog park again.  It was a Saturday and so there were lots and lots of pups.  I found an old Frisbee and this other pup and I pulled on it and pulled on it until it divided.  I fell back with the round Frisbee and he got the white insides.  We were both surprised!

Not as much fun as tug-a-war!

Then we went back to the dog beach.  I got to run up and down the beach while Mom  & Dad just walked.  I made a lot of friends.  A couple of cute chicks really dug me!
It's not easy being as handsome as I am. 

Mom made a video of my "Signature Flop" in the water.  Unfortunately, she doesn't know how to upload the video to this blog (she's such a dinosaur), so you'll just have to go visit her if you want to see it.  

But now we're back in Scottsdale and they're packing again!  I can't believe it.  We just got back.  This time, I really can tell that I'm not going with them.  They're using Mom's favorite wheelie and they only use that when they go on a plane.  They told me about planes and I don't think I'd like to go on one.  But I sure don't want them leaving me again.

I tried to look really forlorn and mope around a bit.  Maybe that would make them not go.  Tell me what you think:

Here I am groveling at Dad's feet.  And still he's not budging.  Do I not look forlorn enough?

Hope your people stay around for you once in a while.

Love, G

Saturday, July 21, 2018

I love, love, love California!

We went to another Coronado last week.  The famous one, Mom says.  It was an hour drive to San Diego, and then we saw it.

I got to pose in front of the sign, just like our Coronado back in our new home.

Everybody that went by said how cute I was.  But we already know that, don't we?

Then we went to a Dog Beach on Coronado Island.  It was faaannntaaastic!  I ran and ran and jumped in the water and jumped out of the water and over people and under puppies and all over.  Of course, every once in awhile, I ran back to Mom and Dad, just to make sure they didn't get lost.  Sometimes they do and I would feel very responsible if they got lost because I didn't watch out for them.  But they were always where they were supposed to  be.

I met one guy who looked a lot like me.  He was very good looking.

That's my new friend in the front.  I'm the one in back soaking up the waves in my signature plop down in the waves move.  A gal went up to Mom and asked if I belonged to Mom.  When she said yes, the gal told her that I was Hilarious!  I'm Guinness, I tried to tell her, I don't know who Hilarious is.  Mom just told her, that's my idea of swimming.  How does that make sense?  She should have told her that I was Guinness!.

Anyway, me and this handsome new guy ran together for awhile.

We had a great time.  And I got very tired after running so much.  So when Mom picked up my leash, I ran back, 'cuz I was ready to go.

I fell asleep in the car.  When we got home, I was still tired, so I plopped into the doggie bed that came with our new home, and went right to sleep.

I love, love, love California.  Did I ever tell you that?

Hope you have a California Day!

Love, G

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Oh, Joy, Oh, Joy

They really did take me with them on this trip.  I couldn't believe it.  On Sunday morning, they put all the stuff in the car including my bed.  I started to shake and cry.  They couldn't take my bed, too.  (Although, I guess when I stay with Mrs. Jan, I don't take my bed with me.  But it seemed like the thing to complain about.)

But they opened the door for me and we all started out together.  I knew we weren't going to Mrs. Jan's, because they turned left toward my Elementary School instead of right where Mrs. Jan lives.  So maybe we were going to my school?  But no, we went right by the turn off and kept going and going and going.

I should have known this was going to be a long trip, because Mom put a couple of pillows in my back seat.  She knows how I hate to go on a long trip without my pillows.  So I relaxed.  Yes, I was going with them.  All is good.

We stopped a couple of times so someone could visit the bathrooms.  I didn't really have to go, but I pretended to so they wouldn't feel bad about stopping.  And finally, we arrived at a place I've never been to.

I scouted the area.  It had floors without carpets, like we do at home.  But, uh, oh.  There were steps to the rooms upstairs and they didn't have carpet on them.  I was used to steps with carpet on them in Clayton.  But I geared up my courage and marched up.  Only to belly flop in the middle of the first stairs.  I hightailed it back down the stairs.  I'm not putting myself in danger where I don't have to.  I'll just stay down here till they come down.  

But they weren't coming down and I was getting bored.  Then Mom came down and said she would help me.  What did that mean?  She went to the kitchen and came back with, what?  Liver treats!  I haven't seen liver treats in years.  I love liver treats.  But what is she going to do with them to help me up the stairs?

Oh, I see.  She put a liver treat on the landing of the first set of stairs.  I guess, for a liver treat, I could try to get up.  And I did.  Then, of course, she put another one at the top of the stairs.  Alright, I'll go for it.  And I made it up.  Were we going to have to do this every time?

Apparently not.  I heard her talking to Dad about my predicament.  Her solution?  Take me to get my nails clipped.  Really?  How is that going to help?  Not my idea of a good solution.  
But she got on the phone and I heard her talk to PetSmart grooming.  Darn, they had my records and everything was go.  So off we went to PetSmart and the grooming department.  I guess it wasn't so bad.  I really liked the tall blond girl who did my nails.  I gave her a kiss when we left.  

And back we went to the new condo.  I really didn't see how this was going to work.  Mom tried again with the liver treats.  I'm sorry, but I'm a real sucker for liver treats.  So I went up the steps after the treat.  Only this time.  It wasn't hard.  I could run up the stairs without slipping.  After that, I could go up and down the stairs with no problem.  Unfortunately, I didn't see any liver treats for quite awhile after I figured that out.  I'm my own worst enemy.

I didn't tell you, but the place where we are staying is called the Coronado.  It's not a famous Coronado according to my Mom.  It's high on a hill in a place called Aliso Viejo.  I'll tell you about this HILL in my next blog.

In any case.  I'm just totally relieved that they took me with them on this trip.  I will be the best pup I can be just to show them how much I appreciate them taking me.

Hope you get to travel with your family.

Love, G

Saturday, June 30, 2018

They're Packing Again!

Mom and Dad just got back from a whole week in St. Louis.  Without me.  I did my usual "So glad to see you!" when they got back, but I really had a good time at Mrs. Jan's playing with some other puppies and Thom Cat.  So I wasn't all THAT glad to see them.  But I didn't let on.  

BUT, now they're packing again.  Isn't a week away enough?  Mom keeps saying they're taking me with them, but it doesn't look any different than the way they always pack to leave without me.  They put all their clothes on MY bed in the guest room.  

There is hardly any room for me with all their stupid stuff.  I don't believe they are taking me with them.  And they're packing enough stuff for a whole month.  Geez Louise!  I want to  go with them.

I'm going to get back at them.  I'll just show them.    I'm going to hog their WHOLE bed and they won't be able to sleep on it or take naps or nuthin'.  Then they'll be too tired to go anywhere without me.  So there!

That'll teach them to even think about going anywhere without me.  

But I still don't feel so good.  I really want to go this time.  Could you all ask them to take me with them?  I would really appreciate it.

Hope you get to go on lots of trips with your humans and puppies and kitties.

Love, G

Monday, June 18, 2018

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

So why is it so hard to get Mom to understand me.  I sit right by her chair next to the porch door to tell her just what I want.  But she doesn't always get it.

I think I'm being pretty clear when I tell Mom I want to go outside for a walk or I just want to go out and sit in the sun.  See, this means I just want to go out the back door to sit on the porch.

That was pretty obvious, right?  And THIS, means I want to go out the front door and take a walk.

How could she not understand that?  But she more often opens the back door and I just look at her till she gets that I want to go out the front door for a walk.

This next pose means I want a treat.

And this one means, when are you going to drop something from your plate so I can snarf it up?

And this one is, I've waited here so long for you to figure out why I've waited here so long that I'm falling asleep.
Some day we'll understand each other.  But she's coming along.  It's a lot better than it used to be.

Hope you and your pet can communicate at least as well as Mom and me.

Love, G

Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Ambassador

So, as I said last time, I was chosen to be an Ambassador for the Tail Waggin' Tales program at the Palomino Library.  We arrived there Friday morning with lots of time, but there weren't any people who were supposed to tell Mom and me what to do there.  Someone told us we could wait in some chairs up front.

But I whispered to Mom, "Let's just go do what we always do!"  And she said, OK.  So we found a spot where kids could find us.  Then we put my blanket down and my book out.  In about two seconds, I was overwhelmed by about 6 little tykes all under the age of 5.  One kept running up and touching my ear.  They hugged my neck and rubbed my back.  It was heaven!  The gal at the book counter came over to watch and she was laughing because they were having so much fun and so was I.

Then they went away to do other things and Mom and I were quiet again.  But another little girl came by and Mom asked her is she wanted to read to me.  She said, "Will you help me?  'Cuz I'm only 5 and I can't really read."  Mom said, "Sure!"  So she took my book and Mom read the words while she ran her fingers over the words as Mom read them.  But then I think she got a little bored.  She pulled the book close to her and said, "OK, I'M going to read the next page."  Mom said, "Sure, you go right ahead."

So she looked at this page:

And she read:  "Guinness likes to swim."  And Mom said, "That's great!"  What was she saying?  I know that doesn't say "Guinness likes to swim."  But the little girl was happy so I guess that's why Mom said that.  She went on to the next page.

This time she said, "What IS that?"  So I know she's not reading my book.  Mom explained to her that we dogs have our own water fountains to drink from.  She was amazed and let Mom read the rest of my book for her.

Then her Mom took a picture of her with me and they went away.

But then, a girl with long brown hair came over to meet me.  She said her name was Christa and she wanted to read my book to me.  She was 8 years old and very pretty.  When she was about half-way through the book, another girl came over and sat down with us too.  She was 8 too and she had long brown hair.  I thought they were sisters, but they didn't know each other.  They kept reading my book and laughing at the pictures and petting me all at once.  Christa introduced herself to the other girl who said her name was Nia. 

They were having so much fun together that there Moms took pictures of both of them with me in the middle.  After that they gave each other their phone numbers.  So I guess I was responsible for them making friends that day.   That made me feel really good.  

I hope you get to make good friends today!

Love, G, Ambassador in Chief. 

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Those Little Ones

Mom and me (no, Me and Mom, no, Mom and I?) anyway, we went to the library last Thursday for my "Tail Waggin' Tales" hour.  But before we left, she took me to my favorite Green Spot.  (She's always afraid I'm going to need to go to the bathroom while I'm at the Library.)

Have I told you about my favorite Green Spot.  It's just around the corner from us, and Boomer and Roscoe live right next to the spot.  And Chopper is just on the other side.  And Mr. Green (I call him that 'cuz he drives a green car), lives on the corner.  He always stops to say hello to me when he's in his green car.  And when he's home, he comes and pets me. 

Across the street, next to Roscoe and Boomer lives Mr. Red.  (Yep, he drives a Red car.).  He and Mrs. Red sit on their front porch and drink wine and eat crackers and I always go up and say hello to them.  They really like me, too.  They bought treats, just for me so they have them when I come by. Lots of times they're not there, 'though.  And I try to call to them to come out.

Sometimes they come out and talk to me, but usually I have to find them on their porch.  They weren't out this afternoon, so I was sad, but Mom said we have to go to get to the Library on time.

When we got to the Library, my new little friend, Celeste,  who is learning French came over.  She read a new book to me.  But it wasn't in French.  Then a new gal came over to meet me and Celeste got a little jealous.  I thought she was going to yell at the new gal, but she didn't.  She just waited till she left.  Then she read some more.

One little boy was sitting at the computer and looking at me.  Mom asked him if he would like to come and read to me.  He was a really nice boy, and asked Mom if I would like it if he read to me.  No one has ever asked if I would like to be read to.  I nuzzled his leg to let him know that I would love to listen to him read to me.  So he did.  Afterwards he asked Mom, "Did he like it?"  And Mom told him that I LOVED it.  And I did.  Wasn't he super?

Then another Mom came over with her teeny tiny little one year old.  Her name was Christine.  The Mom had freckles all over her and red hair, just like my Mom.  She was pretty, just like my Mom.  She said that Christine was A-F-R-A-I-D of dogs, but that she wanted to help her get over it.  (Why did she spell Afraid?  Did she think I can't spell?)   But she said she didn't know quite how to do it.  Mom said we could try to help.  Mom told Christine's Mom that I was the most mellow dog she had ever met and that I loved little kids.  (I DO love little kids, but I'm not so sure I want to be the mellowest dog Mom ever met!)  

So Christine sat in her Mom's lap, and her Mom got closer and closer to me.  I didn't move.  My Mom petted me to show Christine that I wouldn't hurt her if she touched me.  Finally, Christine took her Mom's hand in her own tiny ones, and she made her Mom's hand pet my head.  Then she giggled and pulled away.  I guess that's progress!  And she was so sweet.

 Next week I'm supposed to go to another library called Palomino.  I'm going as Ambassador for the Tail Waggin Tales Program.  I was asked to go because the kids at my library really like me.  But if we have more libraries with more Tail Waggin Tales Hours, I'm going to have to find some friends to help.  I can't do it all!

Hope you have fun experiences at your Library.  If not, you can come to Mustang Library with me.  It's lots of fun.

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...