Saturday, June 30, 2018

They're Packing Again!

Mom and Dad just got back from a whole week in St. Louis.  Without me.  I did my usual "So glad to see you!" when they got back, but I really had a good time at Mrs. Jan's playing with some other puppies and Thom Cat.  So I wasn't all THAT glad to see them.  But I didn't let on.  

BUT, now they're packing again.  Isn't a week away enough?  Mom keeps saying they're taking me with them, but it doesn't look any different than the way they always pack to leave without me.  They put all their clothes on MY bed in the guest room.  

There is hardly any room for me with all their stupid stuff.  I don't believe they are taking me with them.  And they're packing enough stuff for a whole month.  Geez Louise!  I want to  go with them.

I'm going to get back at them.  I'll just show them.    I'm going to hog their WHOLE bed and they won't be able to sleep on it or take naps or nuthin'.  Then they'll be too tired to go anywhere without me.  So there!

That'll teach them to even think about going anywhere without me.  

But I still don't feel so good.  I really want to go this time.  Could you all ask them to take me with them?  I would really appreciate it.

Hope you get to go on lots of trips with your humans and puppies and kitties.

Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...