Tuesday, October 2, 2018

In the Dog House Once Again

You guessed it.  Dad left his check book out and I tried to help out again.  I just don't get how it all goes wrong, but here it is:

I just thought I was helping to balance the check book.  I know Dad has a hard time doing it, 'cuz he always asks Mom to do it for him.  But when I try, it just falls apart! 

Dad was mad at me, as usual.  He said I was old enough to know better.  Mom tried to take my side.  (She always does.)  She said he should look at it in a different way and give me a break.  She said that it was like the fact that she always loses her tickets.  She should be old enough to be able to keep track of her tickets, but it just doesn't work.  So Dad doesn't let her hold the tickets.  Whenever they go to a ball game, he takes them away from her so they don't disappear before the game.  She said to Dad, "You should give him the same break as you give me."  Dad didn't see it that way.  (So Mom's being extra careful to put the checkbooks away when they go out these days.  Thanks, Mom.)

I was thinking, too.  (Sometimes I think too much, I think.  See, that's too many thinks in one sentence!)  Dad kinda has a double standard for me in other ways.  For example.  He always says Mom spoils me 'cuz she hides my allergy pill in peanut butter when she puts it in with my food.  He says I should just eat it and not worry about it.  But she puts whipped cream on top of his outmeal ('cuz he doesn't really like oatmeal but he eats it 'cuz it's good for him).  Isn't that spoiling him?  I don't get the difference.  

It's all a conundrum!

Maybe when I get to be 100 I might understand it.  Humans are just weird.

Hope you understand the world better than I do.

Love, G

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