First of all, you have to know that ACT isn't short for Activity. It actually stands for Animals and Children Together. That's cool. 'Cuz, that's exactly what it is - stuff that I (the animal) do with my kids (the children) together. I love that.
So here are some of the things that came in our kit.
A collapsible water bowl. (So the kids can take care of me by giving me water.)
A brush so they can brush my fur.
Name tags so Mom remembers the kid's names!
Name tags so Mom remembers the kid's names!
There's a treat apron. But only one. So rather than use that, Mom had the kids make their own treat containers. I told you about those a few weeks ago. These are their treat containers. Two of them are made out of mom's old golf socks and one is made out of the bottom of a water bottle. I really like the last one. That's the one that one very clever kid made with a sock OVER a water bottle bottom. It keeps it's shape like the water bottle and looks pretty like the socks. Cool kid!
Then there was a package with blank bandana material (for a bandana for my neck) and glitter glue and puppy paw ink stamps and crayons and majic markers to decorate the bandanas. We haven't done that yet, but I'm looking forward to a custom designed bandana made especially for me!
There was a toothbrush and doggie toothpaste, I hope we never get to use! And a bottle of Bubbles that might be fun, but I don't think Mom wants to try it!
We also have books. One is about how to take care of a dog like me. And another one has all kinds of dog breeds. One day we're going to go through that book and see just what kind of dog I could possibly be.
A really neat thing that Mom says we're going to do next time, is a Stethocsope. We're going to listen to my heart, just like the vet does!
The best part of the kit is my Business Cards. I love, love, love my business cards and I've been giving them to everybody I see. The kids ask for more of them everytime we meet.
That's the best! So we have lots of things to do with my ACT kit. Maybe you could suggest some things we could try that would make my kids better people. I'm working on it.Maybe everybody should have an ACT Kit!
Love, G