Sunday, January 31, 2016

Mom Needs Some Good Book Recommendations

Saturday I was supposed to go to the Nursing Home for Phase Two of my evaluation to be a Therapy Dog.  Unfortunately, the Evaluator was sick, so we didn't go.  I was pretty mad.  Mostly 'cuz the day before, Mom sent me to the vet to get a bath and a pedicure.  It was nasty!  I was there for three whole hours.  They soaped me up good.   They filed my nails down till I could hardly see them.  They stuck sticks in my ears.  And I can't even tell you what they did to my behind.  It was embarrassing.  And then I didn't get to go to the nursing home anyway.  PuppyCock!

So instead, Mom and Dad ran errands and left me home to guard the house.  I'm very good at that you know.  But there wasn't a lot to do.  The neighbors had already left and I barked to tell them goodbye.  Nobody was ringing the doorbell.  It was boring.  So I checked around to see what might be fun to do.

As you recall, I am an avid reader.  In case you've forgotten, you can go back and read my blog from February 8, 2015, wherein (don't you just love that word?) I devoured one of Mom's new books.) 

I espied a little book sitting on the top of the coffee table.  It was a cute little book, and easily picked up.  So I took it with me to the back bedroom.  I like the back bedroom, 'cuz it still has the old comfy rug instead of that cold, hard tile that Mom put in over the summer.  I took my new bone with me, and proceeded to devour this new book of Mom's. 

It was pretty dry.  All about playing golf.  I read some of it, but it didn't make sense.  Like this statement, "Consideration of Other Players: Players should not disturb others play by moving, talking, or making unnecessary noise."   That's not "playing".  Playing is disturbing others by moving, talking, and making as much noise as possible!"

And this one:  "Players should be ready to play as soon as it is their turn to play."  What's that about?  It's always their turn to play, isn't it?

I was trying very hard to understand all this whilst I was snacking on my butcher bone, when Mom came home and caught me.

Oops.  Methinks devouring her book was a mistake.  But really, she really shouldn't be reading this trash.  It's terribly boring and very wrong.  We need to find some better books for her.  Do you have any suggestions?
Hoping you can help,
Love, G.

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