Monday, January 25, 2016

Guinness the Barbeque Chef

As you know (or maybe you don't), I am a BIG help to my mom and dad.  I don't know how they could have done without me before I arrived a couple of years ago.  I pick up the paper for them, help them sleep at night, play with them, nap with Dad -- there are SO many things that I do for them.

So it shouldn't surprise you that I also help mom cook.  The first time it happened was when I heard mom in the kitchen making a steak dinner.  Now, I KNOW I can help with steak dinners.  Steak is my specialty.  (Or it could be if anyone ever gave me any!)  But one day, when mom was in the kitchen, I smelled a steak and I quick popped up to offer my services.

So I asked mom if I could help.  She said, no, but I knew her better than that.  She was just trying to be nice.  Also, she is a lawyer and I know she doesn't want the DOL after her for violating child labor laws.  (Of course, they couldn't do that, 'cuz in doggie years, I'm really 23 and too old to be subject to child labor laws.  But Mom never remembers that.  She always thinks of me as her baby!)

So I helped her anyway.  And when she went out to the porch to cook the steak on the barbeque, I was there to help.

 Notice that steak on the grill?  I'm protecting that from coyotes and rattlesnakes and javalinas.  I have a very important role!  
And so we cooked dinner.  And finally the steak was done and mom took it in.  I kept watch over it, but by then, I was really tired.
Cooking is really hard.  And I worked as hard as I could.  But do you think I got a taste of that steak?  Noooooo, I got carrots in a Kong Toy!  I might call the DOL and report the violations of child labor laws!  Maybe then someone will give me a steak or two!
Is there a good lawyer out there who will champion my cause?  Please reply to this email!
Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...