Sunday, October 4, 2015

Help Us Decide

My Mom has framed pictures in her office of all of her puppy dogs 'cept me.  I asked her why.  'Specially since I was voted cutest dog in the Post Dispatch contest last year.  (Well, 3rd cutest dog, anyway.)  But I think I should have a puppy picture in a frame just like Brandy, and Hercules and Caesar.

So Mom and me, (oops, I mean Mom and I) picked out a few pictures to blow up and put in a frame.  But I can't decide.  Can you help me?

#1  This is one of my littlest ones.  I sorta remember that fluffy toy.  I think I had it for about two days before there was nothing left.  And this picture is even before I ate the rug!  That's how I know it was right after I came to Clayton.  Mom bought the rug so I would have something comfy to sleep on when the sun shone through the kitchen door. I pretty much destroyed the rug in the first few days. 

#2  I'm pretty cute in this one, too, don't you think?  But Mom could have done the shadows better.  I think this was before she took those camera lessons.  I tried working my magic with my Corel Paintshop Pro, but I couldn't save it.  But I'm still a cutie, don't you think?
#3  Oh, look at this handsome fellow.  I like this one, 'cuz it shows my serious side.  My brother Hercules has a picture like this - waxing philosophical, Mom calls it.  I have no idea what that means. But it sounds cool.  
#4  Didn't want you to think I'm serious all the time.  I like to make people laugh and you shoulda seen Mom and Dad when I did this for them.  It's probably not the right picture for a framed picture.  But I like it.  This one is more like my brother Caesar.  He was the mischievous one.  I like being like all my brothers.
#5  In this one I was 6 1/2 months old.  I think Mom really likes this one.  She has it on her iphone and shows it to people when they show her pictures of their kids and grandkids.  I dunno.  I'm pretty handsome in this one too.  Just getting pretty old by now.
#6  And then there's my famous picture, the one that won the contest (OK, the one that came in third.).  I kinda like this one 'cuz you can see hot fit and trim I am.  And I am sooo be-u-tee-ful here don't you think?
I would really appreciate if you could help me decide which picture we should frame.  Mom's retired now and I don't think she should be spending a lot of money on pictures of me, so we need to choose just one.  But I don't know which to choose.  You can just reply to this email.  I know it says, "no reply" somewhere up top there, but Aunt Annie replies all the time.  And I write back to her. 
I look forward to your vote!  All my love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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