Sunday, December 4, 2022

In which I run a Dog Show!

 Well, maybe that's a bit of overstatement.  Actually, I went to the Scottsdale Dog Fancier's "Fiesta Dog Show" at Westworld in Scottsdale.  I was a representative for ATD (Alliance of Therapy Dogs.)  My job was to encourage dog owners to get involved with their dogs as Therapy Teams.  

I have to say, I have never seen so many different kinds of dogs.  (I think some of them were really horses, not puppy dogs.)  I mean take a look at this guy.  They said he's an Irish Wolfhound. 

Remind me not to go to Ireland!

I watched some of the contests.  From my perfectly placed vantage point.  

I don't think Dog Shows are for me.  They made those poor dogs trot along with their owners, one right after the other.  Then all of a sudden they had to stop and w a l k   e v e r   s o   s l o w l y .  Would have driven me crazy.  But after that some of them came back with these pretty blue and gold ribbons.  Maybe I would do that if someone would give me a pretty blue and gold ribbon.  On second thought, maybe not even then.  

In any case, that was not why I was there.  I had to turn around and pay attention.

 My job meant I had to spot people who might want to know more about ATD.  And I did find some.  I also found some who just wanted to pet me.  (Good thing Mom gave me a bath just before we went -- I'm so soft after my bath!)

I was there for over two hours, and we took breaks every so often.  Nevertheless, it got a little boring for me after a while.

So Mom let me hide for a bit when no one was looking.

It was a perfect hiding place!

You should go to a Dog Show.  It was fun, and if I am there, you can come pet me anytime you want!!

Love, G 

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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