Monday, September 6, 2021

Colorado Rocky Mountain Swimming Hole

 Actually, there weren't any Rocky Mountains involved in this story, but it sounded kinda nice.  Like I'd heard those words together somewhere before.  Anyway, this story is about the neatest swimming hole I ever saw!

First of all, there aren't a lot of swimming holes to compare it to, because, as you know, I live in a desert.  Having said that, I did tell you about the best Dog Park in Phoenix which did have a lake in it.  But this was even better.  

After we had Breakfast in the Buff (actually, we had breakfast at The Peep, but it's much more fun to say we had Breakfast in the Buff than we had Breakfast in the Peep.  I mean what's a Peep?  Mom says it's what baby chickens say.  I've never seen a baby chicken.  In fact, I don't think I've ever seen a chicken.  So what would I care what a baby chicken says, and what does it have to do with having breakfast?  And...Uh, oh, I'm diverging again, aren't I.  Where was I...)

Oh, right.  After breakfast, Dad said we were going for a walk.  But we got in the car.  Which is confusing, as WALK means go out the front door.  (And I do like going out the front door of this hotel.  I told you about the doors just open when I tell them to.  So yeah! I liked the idea of a WALK and go out the front door.)  But no, we went out the back door to the car.  That's not a WALK.  That's a RIDE.  Maybe Dad is losing it.  He's not as young as he used to be.  In dog years he's 504 years old.  But wait, that doesn't make sense, does it?  If I multiply my age by 7 to see what my age is if I were Dad.  Then does he multiply his age by 7 to see what age he is if he were me?  I didn't do well in math class.  I'm all confused.  Oh, dear, there I go again.  Back to the WALK that was really a RIDE.

So we rode for about 15 minutes and then got out of the car, past a big wooden fence, and then Mom took off my leash.  Oh, joy!  I was in this huge place with a big ol' lake and grass and weeds and lots of other dogs.  We walked all around this big, huge lake.  Once in awhile, I would see a break in the bushes and I ran down and did my signature sit in the water!

That felt so good!  

So I got up and rearranged myself and flopped again.

Then we kept going and I ran up ahead for awhile, and then waited for Mom and Dad.  (They're kinda slow on account of their age you know.  I mean if you were 504 you'd be slow too!)  But up ahead, I found a place with lots of other pups.  So I jumped in and joined them.

Dad got bored pretty soon and we had to leave, but it was a ton of fun!  That's my rhyme for today.  A TON of FUN!

Hope you have a TON of FUN every day!

Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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