Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I'm on a diet. Oh, joy....

 The last time we went to the vet, Mom said I gained too much weight.  I don't think that could be right because when we were at the vet the cute gals gave me lots of treats.  If the vet's cute gals are giving me treats then they must think I'm pretty svelte.  Do you like that word?  It means a pup who is slender and elegant.  And that's me!  But Mom didn't agree.

So what did she do?  Since we don't live real near the vet anymore, she bought me my own scale.  She used to just pick me up and stand on the scale herself, and then Dad would read the numbers out to her.  But that was when I only weighed about 15 pounds.  I have to admit, I do weigh a lot more than that.

She says I should weigh between 62 and 65 pounds.  This piece of metal she bought that she calls a doggie scale says I weigh over 70 pounds.

I don't think that can be right.  I hardly eat anything.  Mom hardly feeds me anymore.  In fact, when I started not to like my dog food, she started giving me less and adding stuff like Pumpkin.  What self respecting puppy dog eats Pumpkin?  But it's actually kind of tasty and makes the dry dog food moister.  So I guess that's OK.  And better yet, she sneaks a little chicken or leftovers from dinner, so I really do like my dog food these days.  But I don't get a peanut butter bone with my breakfast anymore.  I hardly ever get peanut butter anymore anytime.  

When we go out to lunch with Dad, I used to get lots of treats from their plates.  Now Mom brings cut up carrots for me.  Which, I don't really mind carrots.  But when she tried to slip in some of those green beans in my supper.  Well, I had to draw the line.  I won't eat any green stuff!  I'm a lot like my Dad that way.  

So I've been thinking.  If I get back down to 62 or 65, maybe I can get my peanut butter back.  So here's my plan.  I get on the scale real quick so Mom doesn't see what I'm doing.  But I ease my tail just off the side so she can't see.  Then I can weigh 34 pounds and she'll feel real sorry for me and feed me every time I want.  (Which, by the way is about 24/7!)

Hope you don't have to skip your peanut butter and be on a diet.

Love, G

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