Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving to All

I know it's been a rough year.  For a lot of people.  It's maybe hard to think of things to be thankful for this holiday.  So I'm going to help and give you some suggestions of things that I'm thankful for.

But where do I start?  There are so many things I can think of:

I'm thankful for Aunties that love me:

For my students that made me lovely bandanas to say how much they appreciate me...

I am thankful that the election is over (even though I didn't win).  And I guess I'm thankful that I didn't win, because I wouldn't know how to be a President anyway.

I'm thankful for a Mom who doesn't get really angry at me when I do stupid stuff like pulling her coffee mug off the table.

And I'm thankful for the little ones who like to read to me and who I hope to see again real soon.

I'm thankful for my neighbors who let me come over and say hello to them (and they give me cookies and pet me and I love to take care of them back!)

I love that I have cool places to swim and play when it's really really really hot.

And I'm really thankful to have breakfast and lunch and dinner with my Mom and Dad.  (I really like doing lots of things with my Mom and Dad so maybe I'm just thankful for my Mom and Dad. 

I'm thankful for beautiful places we can go and visit.

And for beautiful plants that bloom just for us.

I'm thankful for my teeny tiny friends

And for my really big whopper friends.

And I'm especially thankful for you people who read my blog because I know you care about me and I sure care about you!

I'm going to stop there even though there are lots and lots and lots of other things I am thankful for, but now it's your turn.  What are you thankful for?

Love & Happy Thanksgiving from your favorite Dog with a Blog!  (I figure I'm safe there 'cuz I doubt if you have any other dogs blogging you!  Tee Hee!!!) 

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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