Tuesday, August 25, 2020

How did a hurt toe get to this?

 So I hurt my toe some how.  And I tried to fix it by licking it.  It did feel better when I did.  Mom told me to stop licking my paw, so I went in the other room to do it.  (Mom was born yesterday!!!   HeeHee!!)

Well, maybe not.  'Cuz pretty soon she was giving me one of those looks. (You know the one.  You've all had Moms!)   Then she made me get on the bed.  She does that when she wants to check my paws.  Then she pulls out that stupid iphone and turns on the flashlight so she can see all the nasty stuff I've been doing to my paw.  I knew I was in for it then.  I just didn't know how badly.

"Maybe, I should call the Vet," she said to Dad.  It's all red down there.  Uh, oh.  Not the Vet.  Please not that.  "It's Sunday," Dad said.  Oh goody, we're not going to the Vet if it's Sunday.  I'm good.  At least for today.

The next morning, however, I couldn't even walk on my paw.  (I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I was licking on it all night long.  That probably wasn't helping it much.  But it sure felt good while I was doing it.)

So Mom called the Vet.  Now I don't really mind the Vet.  I get lots of treats when I'm there.  The girls all love me and they coo at me and pet me and tell me how handsome I am.  So, OK.  We went to the Vet.

As usual they fawned over me and the doctor took a look at my paw.  She gave Mom a bunch of pills for me.  (I'm OK with pills.  They don't taste quite as good as treats, but they're OK.)  But then they gave her a big blue thing.  And it wasn't until we got home, that I learned what the big blue thing was.

She put it on my head so I couldn't reach my paw!  This has to be illegal!  This is puppy abuse!!  

I was embarrassed and I tried to hide:

Then I couldn't even get to my spot on the sofa!

Mom finally helped me up and she couldn't stop taking dumb pictures.  So I finally went with it and gave her my best Royalty Pose.

It's called an E-Collar for Queen Elizabeth.  But I'm going with King Edward.  I do look a bit like him here, don't I?

Hope you never had to wear an E-Collar!

Love, G

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