Monday, December 9, 2019

I Must Be Famous

Yesterday we went to the library for my usual pleasant hour with the children.  On the way we stopped at an intersection.  I was gazing serenely out the window at a car next to us.  Suddenly, the window opened and two lovely high school age gals were waving at me from their car.  They were calling to me, saying, "There's Guinness!"

Mom heard the commotion and glanced their way.  Then she laughed and put my window down.  I was able to stick my head out and smile at my adoring entourage.  So nice to be recognized and loved by gorgeous women.  It brought me back to my time in California while I was cavorting on the beach.  Two lovely beach babes stopped and were all over me.  
Ah, those were the days!

When we got to the Library, my usual customers were there as well as a few others.  Randi and Abigail took turns reading to me.  Abigail was first while Randi did her homework.  Abigail is only 6 but she reads pretty well.  I only had to help her on a couple of words.

While Abigail was reading to me, little Audrey plopped down right next to us.  Audrey is about two years old and couldn't weigh more than twenty pounds.  She has curley hair that bounces when she speaks.  It didn't bother Audrey one bit that Abigail was reading to me.  She just picked up one of my picture books and starting with the back page she invented stories to go with every picture.

Abigail just looked at me and whispered, "She can't read, can she?"  I said, "No, but she does a good job of pretending, don't you think?"  Abigail did very well.  She just sat there until Audrey worked her way backwards to page one and then hopped up and found something else to do.  Then Abigail continued reading her book to me. 

Sometime later, the readers were all doing their homework, and a little one came by who was too little to read.  She appeared quite tired and plopped down to nap a little next to me.  I watched her carefully to be sure no harm would come to her.  That's part of my job, you know, keeping the little ones safe.

Randi came back to ask me whether I would be there on February 13.  She said it was her birthday, and she would like to come see me for her birthday.  I pretended to consult my calendar (we haven't gotten the schedule for the new year yet, but I already knew what I was going to do.).  I informed her that, yes, we would be at the library on February 13.  I'm not going to disappoint one of my customers; I'll be there with bells on.  (Well maybe not bells, but my tags do make tinkly sounds.)

All in all it was another wonderful day at the Library.

Hope you have a Library where you can have a good time, too.

Love, G.

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...