Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Kids Are Back In School

Which means ..... there are lots and lots and lots of little tigers in the library.  Yay!

So Mom and me (I mean, Mom and I) went to Mustang Library last Thursday.  I don't know why they call it "Mustang" library.  There aren't any Mustangs at the library.  They might as well call it Guinness Library.  At least they have a Guinness there on Thursdays.  (Hee hee.  I don't think they will change the name of the library just for me.  But it would be fun.)  

Even before we sat down, they were coming over to see me.  I'm a pretty popular attraction at the library.  They even have a sign up front that says, "Come read to Guinness at 3:30 today!"  Mom maybe needs to get them a bigger picture, though.  There's a huge picture of some dog I don't even know in the middle, and my picture is down on the bottom corner.  That's just not right.  I should be the big picture.  And that's not even one of my kids.  I need a do-over!  Someone as popular as me should have his own advertisement.  I'm going to have a talk with the Library Lady when I see her today.

So anyway, I got to work right away.  Mom put down my Gabriel's Angel's blanket.  It's real soft so the kids can be comfortable.  I know I have to be quiet and not move too much when they read to me.  Sometimes I help them with a word or two that they might not know.

The kids read all sorts of books to me this time.  One of them was kind of odd.  It was about an Exclamation Mark.  The exclamation mark didn't know what it was supposed to do.  It tried to be a comma and then a question mark and then a period.  After awhile it got really upset and yelled at all the other punctuation marks.  So then it knew what it was supposed to do.  (I should get an award for listening to these dumb books.  But Mom says that the kid who read that one learned a bunch of words that he didn't know before.  She said he was getting them the first time around by the end of the book.  She says that's what progress looks like.  Hmmph!)

While we had a little quiet time, a nice old man came by.  He had a cane and Mom told him to sit down with us in one of the chairs.  (Mom usually sits in a chair.  She doesn't like sitting on the floor much.  She says she's not as flexible as me.  She's right.  There aren't many dogs that can sit like I do, let alone humans.

Uh, oh, I'm digressing again.  Back to the old man and the cane.  He said he just wanted to give me a pet.  He said it made him smile.  I said it made me smile to make him smile.  He was a really nice man.  I liked him very much.  He talked to Mom while another little one read my "World According to Guinness" book to me. You remember that book:

I not only remember it, but by now I can say it backward and forward.  I told Mom she needs to make another one.  

We had lots of tiny tots here today, too.  Mary looked to be about 3.  She sat down when Angelina read me her book.  Then she got up and followed Angelina.  Mom had to tell her mother to go get her back.  I thought it was kind of cute.

One of the older kids who hates to read came to see me again.  He still hates to read.  He had been really improving last year before school let out.  I haven't seen him since and I think he's regressed a little.  He just needs to come see me whenever I'm around.  He'll get better again.

It was really good to get back in the groove.  

Mom says to say she's reading a book just now that she doesn't like much.  She says that's because it's just a mystery and not a historic novel.  But if you like mysteries with surprise endings, you might like For the Sake of Elena, by Elizabeth George.    

Hope you had a good Labor Day Weekend.  We didn't labor at all! (Hee hee.)

Love, G   

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...