Monday, May 7, 2018

Ode to My Mom

I was a young pup,
Just weeks from the womb,
You took me home
To save me from doom.
I was barely as big
As my Daddy's shoe
But it wasn't long 
Before I just grew.

You made sure that I played
And got plenty of sleep
So I cuddled my toys
And slumbered real deep.

You laugh at my jokes
And forgive all my blunders
And comfort me well,
Each time it thunders

You told me, "Bark Softly"
And carry a Big Stick"
Don't know what that means
But it gives you a kick.

You take me to doctors
To make sure I'm healthy
(You know if you didn't,
You could be wealthy!)

You take me to Dog Parks,
All over the city
I've met some great puppies
And some are so pretty.

You let me get comfy 
Wherever I am
I do take advantage
Whenever I can.

Sometimes I get angry
When you don't understand
But I know that you love me
My life is so grand.

I wish that all puppies
In shelters or not
Could have a Mom
Like the Mom that I got!


 Love, love, love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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