Wednesday, September 27, 2017

My Critters are Back!

It's been a long time since we've seen my furry (and slimy) friends, that I really thought they had all flown the coop.  Skedaddled.  Vamoosed.  Gave us the slip.  (This is fun.  I could go on all day like this, but oops, I digressed again.)  Anyway, it looked like they were all gone.

Then last week, we were just walking down our neighborhood path, and we saw a little snake.  Not a rattlesnake, I don't think.  This was just your run of the mill desert snake.  (In Scottsdale, we have Desert Snakes, not Garden Snakes, like most people I know.)

And while we were watching the snake, someone pointed up ahead and there was my friend Coyote!  He was just trotting across our path like he'd never been gone.  I tried to go say hello, but Dad wouldn't let me.  So we just ambled on. 

And Boy! was I glad we did.  'Cuz guess who we ran into next?  Bob Katt!  He was sitting by the tennis court  waiting till the courts cleared.  He asked if I wanted to play, but I didn't have my tennis racquet.  I've heard that Bob Katt has a mean backhand.  (Or maybe that was the green squirrel on the television commercial.  I forget.)

Anyway, I told Bob I'd be back with my tennis racquet and we could play later sometime.  I told him it was really good to see him.  He said he had been hiding in the shadows while it was so hot.  That's why we hadn't seen much of him.

But it's getting cooler now.  So maybe my javelina buddies will be out soon.  I think they like the cooler weather too. 

I'm glad my friends are back.  Especially now that we're back in Scottsdale for good. (We sold our place in Missouri).  So now I'm a real Desert Rat.  No, not a rat.  I'm a Desert Dog.  That's what I am.  Kinda sounds like a baseball team.  Maybe I could start my own team.  Me and Bob Katt and Coyote and Snake and Javelina.  We could all be on one team and play -- what?  Tennis?  Maybe not.

Hope your friends are all around you.

Love, G


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