Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dog Breeds in Action

Last time, we talked about dog breeds and how Mom was going to use her new gained knowledge about dogs with our kids.  The next week, we went to the park and got a lesson right at the dog park.

Here's what happened.  First when we went there was a little dog there.  You know how much I like little dogs.  I really, really liked this little dog.  Isn't she cute?  She didn't stay long though, because another big dog, a big dog who looked just like me, came in and liked her too.  She couldn't handle all that adoration, so she asked her human to take her home. 

Which brings me to the real subject of this post.  A dog who looks and acts just like me.  This is Shadow.

OK, I know you can't tell which one is me and which one is Shadow, can you?  He has a white stripe on his sides just like me.  He has white down his front just like me.  And when my ears stick up straight, his ears look just like mine.  So I'll tell you.  I'm the one on the left.  You can tell 'cuz I have my little red heart on that says I'm a therapy dog. 

Well we got along really, really well. 

We played hard.  Shadow's Dad warned Mom that Shadow might play pretty rough with me, but Mom assured him that I could play rough when the other dog plays rough and I'm gentle with little dogs.  I'm sensitive that way.

Mom asked him if he knew what kind of dog Shadow was.  He said a Czechoslavakian Shepherd.  We didn't know what that was.  So when we got home, I looked it up on Google.  It's a German Shepherd that grew up in Czechoslavakia.  So does that make all German Sheperds that grow up in America, American Shepherds?  But I never heard of an American Shepherd.  This is all so confusing. 

Shadow may have looked like my twin brother, buy he doesn't have floppy ears like me.   At least I can tell myself apart from him the next time I see him.  I'll know by the ears!

Hope you can tell yourself from everybody else, too!

Love, G.

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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