Thursday, January 5, 2017

New Kid in Town

I knew something was going on when Mom and Dad invited another couple and their dog to our home.  Her name is Sutter.  Yeah, like the baseball player only she's a girl.  I mean that's the dog's name.  And she's smaller than me.  And lots older.  But I guess she's nice.

I try to be a good host whenever we have visitors.  Especially puppy visitors.  Sometimes it doesn't work so good, like when Sasha hid in the closet to keep away from me.  But Sutter didn't hide in the closet.  She just made herself at home.  She even jumped up on one of my favorite chairs. She's a little silly, and she's kinda fun to be with.
She had dinner after she got here with her own bowls.  She has really big bowls.  I thought she might offer me some of her dinner, 'cuz she had lots more than me.

 I was very patient and waited until she would give me a chance at her bowl of dinner.  She never did.  Mom said I could not expect to eat any of her food.  She said Sutter has the same amount as I do, but I get to eat mine twice a day and she eats only once.  Oh, well, a dog can dream, can't he?

We've been playing keep away with my Frisbee and a ball in the park.  Sutter is better at that than some of the dogs I've tried to teach.  In fact, we played so hard, we both had to zonk out in the living room together.

I get the feeling Mom and my new Auntie Cindy want us to play well together.  I think maybe Sutter is here to stay for awhile.  I told you something is going on.  There are other clues, too.  Like the suitcases in the back bedroom.  Mom has been filling them for the last two weeks, and it doesn't look like there is any room for me.   And Mom has been especially cuddly this past week.  She keeps promising she's coming back soon.  But she hasn't gone anywhere.

Yesterday, she and Dad left they house in the morning and I went on a walk with my new Auntie Cindy and Sutter.  I thought that was kinda weird.  I kept looking around for where Mom and Dad had gone, but I didn't see them.  But after we came back from our walk, there they were.  Today, they left Sutter and me and all four of them went in a car with the suitcases.   Mom gave me a big marrow bone and told me that she and Dad were going away for a few weeks, and that I was to take care of Auntie Cindy and Sutter.  I KNEW IT! I KNEW SOMETHING WAS GOING ON!

You can't put anything past this dog!  So it's me and Sutter for a couple of weeks.  I think I can deal with that.

Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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