Tuesday, November 15, 2016

First Day of School

Finally.  I had my first day on the job at the Elementary School in Phoenix.  It's been how long coming?  Let's see, Mom had the idea when that Brad Jaffe came over to help me not bark every time the phone rang.  That was, let me check my calendar, yes, that was December 17, 2014.  (By the way, that's my Uncle Billy's birthday.  He lives in Washington State with my Aunt Jill and two cousins, Kyle and Kate.  Uh, oh, I'm doing that digressing thing again.)

Where was I, December 17, 2014 and now it's November 15, 2016.  So that's 365 days from December 17 until December 17 of 2015.  And 30 days has September, April, June and November, when short February's done (except we need to count an extra day for leap year) all the rest have 31.  So that's a total of 670 days from start to start.  Way to go Mom!  Good thing you're retired or we would never have made it. 

We should have made it a week sooner.  I was scheduled to go last Tuesday.  But the night before my foot hurt.  I went into the living room with my left paw in the air.  Mom checked me out and put me to bed, but in the morning I was still limping so she called in to tell the School that she could still come but I couldn't.  They told her to stay home.  They didn't want her to come without me.  I'm the important one.

But we finally made it this week.  And it was fun.  First Mom took me outside to take a picture with my vest.  She says her Mom used to do that every time the kids had a first day of school.  How can there be more than one first day of school?  So here I am.  In all my glory.  Mom liked these two shots 'cuz they show off my pretty face. (Hmmmmm)

 Then we drove to the school.  There were 7 little tigers in my class.  3rd, 4th and 5th graders.  They were so cute.  They introduced themselves.  One little girl, Anna, was really really quiet.  And her friend Toby said, "She's shy.  Anna are you scared?"  But she gave us her name and told us her dog just had 8 puppies.  I was thinking that Toby was being really nice to her.  He seemed to really care about Anna.  I liked that.  Later on, I went over and gave Toby a big kiss on the nose.

One boy, Juan, said he was really afraid of dogs.  So Mom and me stayed a little away from him.  But I could see him watching me all the time and thinking maybe he could like me.  I could tell what he was thinking.

Mom shared some of my pictures with the kids and told them all about how I was adopted and they asked a lot of questions.  She told them I was from St. Louis, Missouri and asked if anyone knew where Missouri was.  Toby said yes, but when Mom asked him to tell the rest of the class, he said he forgot.  So she told them it was a two day drive to the east.  She showed them the picture when I was driving out for the first time and I stuck my tongue out at her from the back seat of the car.  That wasn't very flattering.  But then, she didn't ask my opinion of the pictures she chose.

Then they practiced how to greet a dog for the first time.  That's so if they were to ever go up to a dog who is not as nice as me, they wouldn't get bit.  I kinda liked it, 'cuz they all gave me pets.

When we left, Juan came up to me and scratched me under the chin like he was supposed to and then patted my side.  I told you he was thinking he could like me.

I was glad to get back to the car later.  I was thirsty and tired.  But I'll remember my first day of school.  And I'm going to share with you the pose I liked better than the ones Mom picked for my FDOS.  This one has my red Therapy heart showing quite nicely, and I think I struck a stately pose.

Can't wait to go back in two weeks.  I'll tell you all about it!

Love, G

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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

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