Sunday, December 6, 2015

You Never Know

I like to explore.  Just go places I've never been before and see what they have to offer.  Mom sometimes lets me do that.  We'll go for a walk and she'll let me pick the route.  What she says is, "Guinness, when you come to a fork in the path, just take it!"  So I do. 

The other day, we went up towards Market Street, where we go a lot.  But when we came to the fork in the road, she stopped and let me pick the way.  I went left ('cuz we usually go right), just to see what was there. 

Soon, we came to a neighborhood I had never seen before.  And it had one of those green spots where I can roll in the grass and scratch my back.  But before we got to the green spot something really fun happened.  A huge white dog came bounding from around the corner.  He didn't have a leash.  Mom said we should just stay still and she was sure his owner would appear soon.  So I stood where I was and the white dog came and said hello.  And just like Mom said, a few seconds later a guy came around the corner and called said, "Well there you are Nigel, hold on, my wife is coming right behind." 

But he didn't put Nigel on a leash, like I was.  And he and Mom talked awhile and when his wife came around the corner, he said, "Would it be OK for Nigel and Guinness to play in our green spot?"  I looked at Mom and I tried to tell her to say yes.  I would really like to play with Nigel in his green spot.  I stared really hard at her to make her understand that I really wanted to play with Nigel.  And it worked!  She said yes. 

So Nigel and I played.  

 He wasn't a lot of fun at first.  But then Mom pulled out my Frisbee.  I had to teach Nigel how to play with it, 'cuz he didn't know,

but soon he was doing tug-o-war with me just like Izzy!   We played for an hour! 

Nigel's Dad said that I was really good with Nigel.  He said that not many dogs could play with Nigel like I do.  He even told Mom that if she and Dad wanted to go away for a few days, that he would love to take care of me and I could stay with Nigel.  I think that would be really fun.  Some day I'm going to go to Nigel's house and stay.  Just wait.

See what fun things you can find when you just go with it? 

Try it for me!

Love, G. 


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Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...