Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Zen of Travel

I'm back.  Finally!  I thought Mom would never find time to help me put my blog together again.  As soon as she got back to St. Louis, she got so busy she just kept putting me off.  Although, I have to admit, I didn't have that much time do it either.  I had to find all my old friends and figure out how to live in a place that rains a couple of times a week! 

Anyway, we'll leave those thoughts for another blog.  I have to tell you about our trip from Arizona back to St. Louis.  I learned how to really relax and enjoy the 23 hour ride!  Here's how it worked.

First I had to convince Mom to leave that dumb Kong mat back in Arizona.  It was OK to use as a floor in one of my cages, but really -- how comfortable did she think a hard rubber mat can be?  Not very, let me tell you.  So that left lots of room in the back seat.  AND, I had room for both of my very comfy pillows.

Of course, I had to share some space with the cooler.  But there are a lot worse things you can share the back seat with, than a cooler.  Especially, if the top gets left open, just even a little bit.  Now stop that!  I did not raid the cooler.  I'm much more mature these days.  After all, I just turned 2 which as you know makes me a teen-ager in dog years.  And anyway, I couldn't do it.  I tried.

See the cooler was on the other side of the car seat, between the front seat and my seat.  I snuck over there and pretended I was just veggin' out on my thick brown pillow.

See how cool and collected I am.  No one new that the cooler was hidden just under my pillow.

Then, I shifted just a little to get to the top of the cooler.    
  Then I was in it!


But then Mom laughed and told me to get my head out of the cooler.  How did she know?  She has eyes in the back of her head, I'm just know it!
After awhile, the motion of the car just mesmerized me.  (Do you like that word?  I just learned what it means.  It means I act like I'm on drugs.  But I'm not on drugs.  I'm just naturally high.)

 Pretty soon, though, I couldn't keep my eyes open, and I just zonked out on my fluffy pillow.

And before I knew it, we were back in St. Louis!
If you ever need to travel far, just follow these steps for a very smooth ride!  (But don't do it if you're driving, OK?)
Love from St. Louis,

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