One day, I remember, I got pretty confused. We came back from a walk and I thought Mom had already gone into the condo and left me outside. See, I was worried:
I was surprised (and embarrassed) to find her behind me. My face turned red! (Not really. My face can't turn red.) She promised she would never leave out all by myself.
When we walked, I sometimes sit and watch people walk by. They would be so happy to see that I was interested in them. People need to feel important too, just like dogs. So I would sit very tall (well, as tall as I could being just a puppy) and stare until they would laugh and call me the cutest dog they had ever seen. I didn't believe them, but it made us all feel good. This is me sitting pretty when I was little. I shouldn't have stuck out my tongue, but I was trying to make Mom laugh. It worked.

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