Monday, July 8, 2024

My Magnificent Friends

 You’ve all met some of my friends.  You must remember Bob Katt and Javalina.  There was a rattle snake, too, but Mom doesn’t like me to mention him.  Especially since she paid a lot of money to get me to run the other way when I would see or smell or hear a rattle snake.  Instead I tried to run up and explore it.  She got me going the other way really really really quick!  Then there was the tiny Western Screech Owl that came to play with me on my porch.

Well, now I have a new owl friend.  Actually, make that two owl friends.  Only these guys didn’t come to play with me on my porch.  Mostly because, they probably wouldn’t fit on my porch.  Well maybe I exaggerate a bit, but they are pretty big.  Google says they are Great Horned Owls.  Cool!

Mom said they maybe could pick me up and take me away with them.  But I don’t think they would do that.  They just watched us very, very, very, closely.  I was hoping they would fly out of the tree so I could watch their big wings.  That might have been a bit scary for all of us.  Maybe it was better that we watched them from way down on the ground while they were way up in the trees.  I would worry a lot if I were a smaller dog, like my little friend Baxter.  He’s only about 8 pounds and I bet they could snatch him away in a minute!

I don’t see many of my animal friends around much these days.  It’s just too hot for them.  The rabbits are digging holes and burying themselves in them to keep themselves cooler.  Mom takes me out at 6:00 a.m. and at night we wait till the sun is almost gone.  It’s still hot but it doesn’t burn my feet then.  And I don’t like to put on my booties.  

Yesterday, I was getting bored ‘cuz we can’t take walks in the middle of the day.  I stared at Mom for a full ten minutes to get her to do something about it.  When she wouldn’t do anything, I stared at Dad.  He finally got frustrated and asked Mom what I wanted.  She said, “Well, he’s bored.  Let’s all go take a ride.”  So we went for ice cream in a place that had a lot of misters to keep us all cool.  I got the whipped cream in a cup.  Pretty neat, huh!

Anyway, I kinda got off on my story about my friends.  But since I don’t see them as much, there isn’t a lot more to tell.  So stay cool!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...