Monday, July 4, 2022

A Walk on Hot Coals

 Well, maybe not that bad.  But it has been rather warm these days.  Mom and Dad have been getting up and out by 6:00 a.m. to take our 2 mile walk.  (Sometimes, Mom and I take a little short-cut and wait in the shade till Dad comes and picks us up).  I don't much like leaving Dad to go on by himself, but I don't mind the rest in the shade!

Even though it's been over a hundred, we're still seeing spring flowers.  Look at this one we ran across yesterday!

Really nifty, huh?   And this is even better!  My friend Bob Cat was around before today's walk.  Here he is leaving after he and I said hello.

He's one of my favorite friends.  I met a young coyote that could be a friend if Mom would let me try.  We had walked under an underpass and I saw him and stopped.  Mom always stops when I do 'cuz she figures that I see things she doesn't.  And she'd be right.  There was a little head with big ears just staring at us from a ways off.  She thought it was a jack rabbit, until he moved a little toward us.  Then she saw it was a young coyote.  I already knew that.  I wanted to go and see if he would play with me.  But she said, no, his Mom might be around and she might not like that.  So we kept going.  I do hope I see him again.  But maybe I won't recognize him if he grows up some?

When we walk, I do have to keep track of my humans. 

 Mom tells me I don't have to worry, that as long as my leash is attached, Dad will be on the other end.  But I don't believe it, so I turn around and check on them.  Mom says she saw a sculpture of a dog doing exactly that at one of the spring Celebrations of Art.  It was called, "Keeping Everyone in Line."  That's me.  I keep everyone in line.

There is something I don't like about walking at this time of year.  Besides the heat, of course.  We get these monsoons and sometimes it gets really windy and all the stuff from the trees lands on the sidewalk.  There are some spots that are so messy, I won't walk on the sidewalk.

So I just go around.  Mom laughs at me, but she should try walking on that stuff barefoot!  (I better be careful, though, she could pull out those awful Booties!)

I always end my walk with bringing in the morning paper.  (If the paper's even there.  Sometimes we are so early, we get home before the paper arrives!  But then I go and check on it periodically, and eventually, I bring it in.)

But I have to admit.  My favorite part of these hot morning walks, is the Air Conditioned tiles at the end of the walk.

Yeah, whoever invented AC was brilliant!

Hope you have good walks even if it's really really really really hot, like here!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...