Sunday, November 21, 2021

Voted Off the Island - AGAIN!

I screwed up.  Yes, again.  Mom took me to the Dog Park.  We haven't been there in a long long long time.  But Dad was playing golf and so we went.

It was good to be back.  I sometimes am a little shy when I get there, but usually I find a pup that will play with me.  Like Shawn.  Shawn is one pretty pup.

 We spent some time getting to know each other.

I let Shawn know that I was really interested.  In playing together!!  What were you thinking?...I don't even know if Shawn is a girl or a guy.  I don't much care; I'm neutered anyway.

I'm pretty sure Shawn was interested, too.  Unfortunately, this is the last of the pictures, 'cuz then I tried to h**p Shawn and Mom didn't like it.  Neither did Shawn's Mom -- she said, Shawn doesn't like that!"  Which is how I know Shawn doesn't like that.  I'm not sure Shawn didn't like it, but Shawn's Mom didn't like it, so Mom grabbed my leash and off we went.

That was OK, though.  Cuz we went to breakfast at the General Store.  Which is another something we haven't done in a long long long long time.  And I really like breakfast at the General Store, 'cuz, well BACON!!

Hope you have lots of friends to play with and lots of BACON.  

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...