Friday, May 14, 2021

Life really IS getting back to normal!

 Yesterday, Mom and I dropped Dad off at the golf course.  Just like we used to BC (that's Before Covid, in case you didn't know.)  That usually means that I get to go to the Dog Park.  And YAY!! That's exactly what we did.  \

This time was even better than before.  That's because there was a water leak in the Big Dog side, so we all went over to the Little Dog side with all the Little Dogs.  They didn't mind, in fact they invited us over, so we had big dogs, and little dogs, and dogs like me, medium dogs!

I even met a little dog that reminded me a lot of a friend I used to have when I would go and visit Mrs. Jan when Mom and Dad would go away.  (They haven't gone away in an awfully long time.  I kinda wish they would so I could have fun with a dog sitter.  They give me more treats!)  

Anyway, this is a picture of some of us big and smalls:

Sometimes I rather play with the small dogs.  They don't do things like those two who are play fighting.  Even though I know they are play fighting, I don't like someone biting on my cheek.  With little dogs, I let them jump on my head and we have more fun that way.

After the park, we went to breakfast.  There was a nice waiter who asked me what kind of bacon I wanted.  I said crispy and so that's what Mom got.  But she did share it with me.

We had a great morning and then we went home and I went to sleep.  The only thing that would have made it better is if my Dad had been there to take a nap with me like he does when he isn't playing golf.

Hope your days are getting back to normal and you get to meet with your friends big and small and medium!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...