Saturday, April 17, 2021

It's Spring!

 And the birds are mating and the cactus is blooming and I'm enjoying the weather!  (AND Mom is cleaning, but that's her problem!)

Mom showed me a picture of an Owl that is having new babies. She made her nest in a flower pot on the balcony of Mom's golf club.  Luckily it was outside the LADIES locker room.  They were real careful and quiet so she could have the babies in peace.  Probably if Moma Owl had picked the men's locker room, she wouldn't have had a nice time of it. 

And now her babies popped up and here they are:

Wow!  They are so cute.  

Then a couple of Mourning Doves got a little frisky in our back yard and what do you know?  Moma Dove is sitting on a nest with her babies, too.  I sometimes don't like Mourning Doves 'cuz they make so much noise in the morning.  It's noisy when mourning doves mourn in the morning!  Tee hee...

This is Daddy Dove.

He struts around like he owns the place.  But hey, he brings Momma Dove food while she sits on the eggs.  I think I would rather be Daddy Dove than Momma Dove.  It must be really boring just sitting there all day.

And sometimes, she must get really scared, 'cuz the Gamble Quails come and make noises near her.  They look like they are taunting her and calling her names.  She just closes her eyes and ruffles her feathers.  But I chase the Gamble Quails away.  I yelled at them twice and they haven't been back since!  I may not like the noise that mourning doves make, but they shouldn't be mean to Momma Dove when she is trying to have her babies.

The other spring thing that I love is the Giant Argentinian Cactus that lives down the street.  It blooms for only a couple of days, but it is SO pretty.  It's right on our way to my usual green spot so I never miss it when it pops up its pretty flowers.

Yeah, I like spring.  

Hope you are having a beautiful spring, too.

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...