Sunday, June 28, 2020

Got my fill of NUMBERS this week!

It's been a while since I've been able to help Mom with her accounting stuff.  She's mostly been doing it on her own without my help.  But last week, Dad left some money on his dresser, so I thought I would count it for him in case he needed to know how much he had.

Unfortunately, the bills sort of came apart in my mouth.  

But notice how well I succeeded in saving the serial numbers.  That's so when Mom goes to replace the bills at the bank, she can get new ones with no problem.  She says they laugh at her at the bank.  I don't know why.  Counting money is not funny business, is it?

You might wonder why I didn't just eat the whole bunch of numbers.  But I did better than that yesterday.  This time I came across a long, long list of numbers in green, red and black.  There were tons and tons of numbers on this card.  So I ate the whole thing.  This is all Mom found of it. 

I guess if I had eaten the last bite, she might never have known that I ate her Mah Jongg card.  That's what she said it was.  She wasn't all that mad, because she said she had copied it and it wasn't the real thing.  I have a feeling, life might have been a bit nastier if I had eaten the real thing!

The problem is, while I love to get my fill of numbers, I haven't been feeling all that good lately.  I didn't eat breakfast until 4:00 this afternoon.  Maybe I'll swear off numbers for a while again.  My inner Guru says it might be a good idea.

Hope you get your fill of numbers, too.

Love, G

Sunday, June 14, 2020

We've been invaded!

The other day, we were getting ready to walk up to the grocery store.  (Mom forgot to get orange juice again!)  Just before we left out the front door, we all heard a big BANG.  It sounded like something hit the side of a wall.  But we didn't see anything.

That is, until we got to the road leading to the grocery store.  Then we saw them.  A Mama Javelina and a baby were right next to our west wall.  It looked like they were trying to dig a hole to snuggle in.  (In our part of the world, they snuggle into deep holes to keep cool.  Where I used to live, we snuggled together to stay warm.  It's a funny world.)  They must have bumped the wall making the huge BANG.

Anyway, we saw the two of them trying to make a home in our yard. 

Mom got some good pictures before Dad decided he didn't want them making a home in our yard.  He picked up a stone to throw towards them.  He said he wasn't going to hurt them, just scare them away.

But I wouldn't let him do that.  And probably not for the reason you're thinking.  (Yes I'm a very caring puppy, but there was another very good reason for him not to do it.)

I barked to get his attention, and Mom saw what I saw.  Right near the cross street was Papa Javelina with two babies and a teenager.  He was staring right at Dad.  I think he would have stormed the fort if Dad had thrown the stone.

Mom encouraged Dad to walk away slowly and we continued on to the grocery store.  She decided not to try to get pictures of Papa Javelina while he was so mad.  That's why I don't have any good pictures of him.  Mom wouldn't make a very good reporter.  Good reporters take more risks that that.

When we got back, they were all gone.  The only thing they left was a hole in the ground.  Oh, and a gnawed off root on one of the cacti.  (That's the plural for a cactus.  I tried cactuses, but it sounded funny, so I looked it up and it's really cacti.  Put that in your Dictionary!)

I haven't seen the javelinas since.  I hope they found someplace to stay cool.  It's pretty hot around here and they have very heavy coats.  (And rather large teeth!)

Hope your home doesn't get invaded by javelinas.  Or if it does, I hope they are the friendly kind.

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...