Friday, May 22, 2020

Now What?!

Do you remember I told you how hot it was on my tootsies?  And how Mom would drive me to a green spot so I could do my business?  Well, no more!

I have a new torture.  They bought me booties.  Little leather shoes.  To go on my feet.  (That's where booties go.)

It's supposed to protect my tender paws from the hot pavement.  What a racket.  Look at these things.  They have velcro wraps that go around my legs to keep them on.  How am I supposed to deal with these?

But Mom made me go out with them anyway.  

She says I prance like a show horse in them.  But heck, it's the only way I can move without tripping over my own feet.

But I can do the important stuff in them.

And actually, they aren't all that bad.  In fact they might actually look classy on me.

I think I'll go see if my friends down the street want to admire them.  (And maybe get me a few of their wonderful cookies.)

Oh, well.  Guess we better go back home.  Nobody's here today.

Oops, I threw a shoe!  They have to come off anyway, so no harm done.  I have to admit, I didn't feel the hot pavement as bad.  And I guess a little prancing never hurt anybody.  I think I kinda like my new booties.  I might keep 'em.

Hope you have neat booties that you like.

Love, G

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Still Social Distancing

Did I tell you we've been walking more since we started this Social Distancing thing.  Mom and Dad are around a lot (when they're not playing golf).  But we take long walks in the early early morning, when its only 79 degrees out instead of 102!  

Yeah, it gets really hot here.  So hot, in fact that instead of letting me walk to a green space in the afternoon after they come home from golf, Mom puts me in a car and drives me to the green space, so I can do my business without burning my feet.  What?  You want to know why I can't just do my business in the back yard?  EXCUSE ME!  The back yard is part of my home and I don't want it to be stinky.  So no, I DO NOT do my business in the back yard.  When we lived in St. Louis, I didn't go in the back yard either.  If it snowed, then Mom or Dad had to put on their heavy coats and boots to take me out.  But no way was I going to do my business in the back yard.  So we drive to the bathroom.  Get over it!

So we have been walking more, and it's still hot at 79 degrees.  But I have a solution that works for me.  Especially when we go in the morning.  You see, the sprinklers are set to go off in the mornings.  I don't like to jump in a sprinkler, but I do like that the grass gets wet.  Then I jump in the grass and roll and roll and roll.

Trouble is, I sometimes end up like this:

Or this:

But it's all good.  Mom gets me untangled.  And I get cool and calm.

Hope you can get cool and calm, too.  (Unless you're living in St. Louis or the East Coast where I here it's not all that warm today!)

Love, G 

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...