Saturday, June 22, 2019

Illegal Activity

I told you last time that I would tell you about all my new friends.  But you have to promise not to tell anyone else. 

You see, when we go to play in the park, we are all illegal.  That's because we don't wear leashes attached to our owners when we play in the park.  We're not supposed to be in the park unless we're on a leash which is not more than 6 feet long and attached to our owner's hand.  I don't know about you, but it's awful hard to have a good time running when you have to drag your human behind you.  So our humans let us off leash and let us have fun.  

If a dog or a human we don't know comes by, we all sit by our humans and wait till they either go by us or join us.  I like when they join us.  Sometimes, I try to get out of Mom's control so I can go ask them to join us myself.  It only seems polite.  But Mom doesn't let me do that, so I don't.

Once a park officer came by on her golf cart.  She was patrolling the park areas making sure everything was OK.  She saw all of us without our leashes and guess what she did? 
Nope, she didn't arrest us all.  That's what you were thinking, wasn't it?  Nope, she pulled out lots and lots of treats and gave us all a big one.  I really like this park officer.  I hope she comes around again.

Anyway, I want you to meet my friends.  These are the Fabulous Five.  On the far left is Harley.   He's a tiny bundle of energy.  He didn't like me at first.  He said he didn't like big dogs.  But I showed him that big dogs can be fun to play with and so he decided he really did like big dogs.  Well maybe just big black dogs like him.  Cuz then he didn't like Shak at first either.  Shak is the big white dog.  So Harley decided that he just didn't like big white dogs.  Till he and Shak and I got together and then he decided he liked big black & white dogs.  I think Shak and I cured him of his fear of big dogs.

You already met little Remi, the one next to Harley.  She and Harley really started the group.  They toss and tumble around and around.  It's fun to watch them.  I wonder what they will do when Remi gets big like me.  Harley might get squished if they roll around like they do now.

At the very right is Tessa.  Tessa is a cute little French Bulldog.  And though she's small and has these short little legs, she can run really, really fast.  She likes to get in on the frisbee fun right along with the rest of us.

So that's four of them and I make the Fabulous Five.  And boy do we like to play.

This is Shak and me with my frisbee.  See the other frisbee near us?  That's Remi's.  His Mom bought that for him.  

But they all seem to like my ratty old one that has a hole in it.  Tess can even put her head in the hole while the rest of us grab ends and pull.  I don't care how many of my friends get on my frisbee.  I don't care if we tear it to smithereens.  I just like to have fun with my friends.

I sure hope they let us keep playing together.  I don't like to be illegal.  It makes me a little scared that one day I won't be able to play with my friends anymore.  And don't tell Mom about this.  She might not like that I told everybody that we were illegal.  

Hope you never have to be illegal to do something fun!

Love, G

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My New Little Friend

I have a new friend.  I have a new friend.  Oh, joy, I have a new friend.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE new friends.  Did I tell you?  I have a new friend.

Her name is Remi.  And she is SOOOOO cute.  She looks like a tiny German Shepherd.  Which is what I am (well I'm not tiny, but I am a shepherd.  Only I'm black. Oh, right.  This is NOT about me.)  Where was I?  Oh, yes, Remi is just perfect. And she's really, really, smart.  Just like me.

See, here we are while I was teaching Remi about my Frisbee.  Isn't she adorable?  And look how she pays attention to everything I tell her.  She caught on so quick.  Pretty soon we were playing my favoritest game - Frisbee Tug a War!

I showed her how to take it in her teeth.  I told her to hold on really, really hard.  That's cuz I am really, really strong and I could pull it right out of her mouth.

Pretty soon we were all over the grass tugging on the frisbee.  She really got the hang of it.  In fact, she got so good, she took my Frisbee away from me!

I guess I must be a really, really good teacher!  

It was so much fun.  And stay tuned, 'cuz next time I get to tell you about all the other new friends that Remi introduced me to.  Life is good.

Hope you have lots of new friends, too.

Love, G


Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...