Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy Javelinas

Actually, I should say, Happy Valentine's Day, but I didn't get any Valentines, so I'm not going to.  I gave my Dad a Valentine card.  It said this:

I picked it out myself.  I thought it was pretty cool, 'cuz he's always complaining that I don't give him enough room at night.  

Anyway, that's not my exciting story about today.  Did I tell you about the Javelina family that lives here on East Mohawk Drive?  There are three of them.  A Momma, a Poppa and a teenager.  We run into them sometimes.

Like last week, when Mom and I went to get the mail, we saw them on a neighbor's porch.  So Mom and I got real quiet and we tried to sneak down the other side of the street to the mail boxes.  But the big Daddy Javelina came storming out to the street and just stared at us.  Mom and me turned very slowly and headed back in the other direction.  We decided to get the mail later in the car.  

Then one day, we were all walking home after our two mile walk around the neighborhood paths. Just as I passed the corner of a house, in the driveway, I came within 4 feet of a huge javalina.  The Daddy.  He was just as surprised as I was.  I stood stock still.  He did too.  Then he bolted through the porch and out the other side.  Mom was right behind me and she saw him bolt.  We were all in shock.  We walked home very very carefully.  

I guess they are living in the neighborhood.  Cuz later that week, when Mom and I went around Rusty Spur, where we go so I can do my "Constitution", there were the three of them right on my green spot grazing.  Mom tried to take a picture.  This is my green spot.

And this is the javelina trying to escape through the bushes.I know it's hard to see him, but the last one was escaping through the bushes as Mom FINALLY got her phone out to take a picture.

And just today, Dad and I went out after my dinner.  There right next to our house, all three of the javalina family were tearing apart Mr. Jim's bushes and trying to eat the roots.  Dad took me back in our house until they went away.  Dad is afraid they will come after me.  But I'm afraid they will come after him.  

I've been sniffing those javelinas out these past couple of weeks.  One day, I'm going to find one and say hello.  I stop my Mom every so often 'cuz I think I see one.  But she just says, "Guinness, that's just a cactus."  You'd think I could tell a cactus from a javelina.  

So that's our excitement for the week.  

Hope you have some fun javelinas to stalk.

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...