Friday, November 23, 2018

What I'm Thankful For

I had a nice Thanksgiving.  Did you?  This week all my furry (and some not so furry) friends came around.  Some we haven't seen in a long time.

First we saw a javelina right outside Mr. & Mrs. Gerry & Grants front yard.  (They're the ones who bought treats just for me.  Not the ones who bake treats just for me.  That's Mr. & Mrs. Shannon and Joe.)  Gerry & Grant live next to my favorite green spot where I play with Boss and Roxie.  I know - it's hard to keep all my friends straight!

Anyway, here's the javelina staring right into Mom's camera.

I circled the javelina so you tell which is the javelina and which is the cactus.  I think it's skin is a lot like a cactus so you might get confused.

Then Mom and Dad went to play golf and they came back and told me about the coyote they saw on the golf course.  First he picked up Dad's ball and spit it out 'cuz he thought it was food but it didn't taste good.  Then he tried to capture a bird that was eating grass seed but the birds all flew away.  He must have been really hungry.  Then he planted himself right in front of a sand trap on the green and watched the golf balls sail over his head.  When Mom and Dad and the people they were playing with came up to the green to putt, Coyote got up and stole a pink ball and went into the desert.  That must have been fun to watch.

That same evening, after Mom and Dad got back I saw something move outside.  Sometimes Mom leaves the shades open just a little in the living room and I can see stuff that goes on outside.  I didn't know what this was, but I gave a big bark to let them know there was something out there.  Mom laughed and said, Guinness, don't worry we have it all under control."  But I didn't think she did, so I went up to Dad and whined to him so he said we could go take a look.  Well as soon as he opened the door, there was Bob Katt, waiting for me on our front walk.  I tried to go out to say hello, but Dad told me No! so I didn't.  But I know Bob Katt saw me and it made me feel good to see him again after a long time.

Then...Mom and Dad went to play golf the next day, which was Thanksgiving.  They told me that on the 17th fairway, there was a whole family of javelinas wandering off the fairway into the desert.  And at the end, there were two of them who must have decided that they were being left out and went hustling right across the grass to get with their family.  They were probably in for the holidays and were afraid they would get lost.  Mom said it was really funny to see those big old bodies hoofing it over the fairway.

So I've been sitting at home watching to see if any of my other friends come around.  

This morning two big owls swooped by us.  I guess everybody is here for Thanksgiving.  And that's what I'm thankful for this year!

Hope you have a lot of friends visit you over the holidays!

Love, G

Friday, November 2, 2018

Super Dog Reigns!

In case you might have missed it, it was Halloween last Wednesday.  And what a day I had!  First of all, it was also the day I started back at the Elementary School.  And that was fun.

See, this time instead of all 7th & 8th graders, I had 7 kids:  1 from each grade starting with kindergarten up to 6th grade.  The one kindergarten student was a tiny little girl.  But she wasn't afraid of me.  She watched the other kids, and came right up and petted me under the chin and on the chest.  Just like the video we all watched said they should.  "Chin or Chest - That's the Best" is what the little dog in the video told them.  Well, he wasn't a real dog talking.  He was a cartoon with a New Zealand accent.  But he was pretty smart.

The 6th grader was a nice looking young man.  And boy did he like to talk.  But he was polite about it.  And he liked me 'cuz Mom told them that I had been in a Foster Home.  I guess four of these kids were in Foster Homes now.  Brent, the 6th Grader, was in one.  He asked Mom, "Do dogs really have foster homes, too?  Were you a foster parent?"  Mom told him that she was a Forever Parent (for which I am very glad!)

I dressed up for the kids since it was Halloween.  This is me being Super Dog!  Kinda cool, huh?  

But I thought those kids would never come.  I just stared and stared at the door till they finally came.  Then they were all over me.  Mom and Ms Dugan (the Social Worker) had to stop them so they would do it the right way.  You know, ask Mom if it's OK to pet me first.  Or as my little New Zealand cartoon friend says, "Check it's Sweet - Before you Meet!  He knows his stuff.

After school we went home and I had to take a nap because Mom and Dad were taking me out to dinner.  But first, Mom said we needed to go see Gerry and Grant down the street.  They really like me and a couple of weeks ago, they went out and bought a whole bag of treats, just for me when I come by and see them.  Isn't that the bees knees!  They are so swell.  So Mom put on my Superman Cape and we went down to their house.  They were outside waiting for Trick or Treaters and they were so happy to see me!  Gerry kept asking Mom if she could give me another treat until I had at least five treats, and then Mom said that was enough.  It's NEVER enough when treats are involved.  But I said hello to both of them and to their neighbor who was sitting outside with them.

Then Mom and Dad and me (is that supposed to be "I"?) anyway, we all went out to dinner on the Pinnacle Peak Patio.  We met Mom and Dad's friends who always make me my very own Dog Treats and they brought me some to dinner.  It was lots of fun.  I really like those friends!  I hope I get to go to dinner with them again.

All in all, it was a wonderful Halloween Day and Night.  I even saw some scary little witches when we were walking after dinner.  But I wasn't scared, 'cuz I knew they were the kids down the street who just dressed up as witches.  Just like I dressed up like Superman.  

I hope you had a great Halloween like I did!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...