Monday, September 24, 2018

Back to Work at the Library

Like I keep saying:  California was a lot of fun.  But I wanted to get back to my kids at the library.  I missed them a lot.

So Mom and I headed out.  Did I ever tell you how we go right by my Doggie Park to get to the library?  We do, but I don't get all excited about it like I do when I know we're going to the Dog Park.  If it's time to go to the Dog Park, I jump and whine when we get close until Mom makes me stop.  But I can't.  I'm too excited to be going to my Dog Park.

When we go to the library, I don't get excited when we go by the Dog Park, 'cuz I know we're going to the Library.  Mom says she doesn't get how I know when we're going to the Park and when we're going to the Library.  But that's easy.  We go to the Library on Thursday afternoons.   We only go to the Dog Park in the mornings.  Everybody knows that!  I don't see what's so hard.  But then, my Mom is easily impressed by the things I do.

Anyway, we got to the library and at first it was kinda slow.  But then a teeny, tiny little girl came up to me with a cookie in her hand.  I knew I couldn't have her cookie unless she offered it to me, so I sat real still for her.  (I kept saying in my head, "Give me the cookie, give me the cookie." I was hoping she would hear me and give me her cookie.)  And she broke off a piece and held it out to me, so I took it real quick before she changed her mind.  She giggled and broke off another piece for me.  I really liked this little girl.  

But this little one was too little to read to me.  Mom said she was only about 2.  I'm lots older than she is.  So we looked for more friends to come over and read to me.  And two of my old girl friends came over to see me.  They were glad to see me again and they gave me a big hug.  Then they both read a book to me.  One gal read my Guinness book to me and they laughed at my pictures.  I didn't care.  I just liked them to read to me.

 After that, their Mom took pictures of them so they could be in my blog.  They're pretty cute, don't you think?  I sure liked getting my ears scratched!  Almost as much as getting read to. And they were really good readers.

I hope they come back to see me another time.  And the little girl with the cookies.  She could come and see me again too if she wanted to.

Hope you have some cute kids to keep you company when you go to work!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...