Friday, February 16, 2018

Finally a Success!

We finally figured out a formula to get our kids engaged.  It took Mom and me working side by side (and help from Mrs. Joy, too, when we were at the cute Courtyard restaurant the last time.)

Here's what we did.  We had a bunch of trivia cards about dogs.  We gave the kids each a notebook (with my handsome picture on it!).  Then they could keep track of the right and wrong answers without anyone else knowing.  (I think some of them are kinda shy and don't want anyone else to know when they're wrong)

So we asked tons of questions.  And the kids got really into it this time.  They even said their answers out loud and didn't seem to mind if they were wrong sometimes.  Although Mom always told them they were partly right. 

They especially liked the questions about what foods are bad for dogs.  When we got to chocolate, Mom showed them a tiny piece of Bakers Chocolate.  I didn't even know that one of those little things could kill my friend the French Bulldog.  But there was a calculator on the internet and it showed if you fed a 15 pound dog one of those little squares, that dog was a gonner!  Not me.  I would only be "mildly irritated" with one of them.  Since I'm 62 pounds it would take 3 to kill me.  But they smelled so good, I tried to snitch one when Mom wasn't looking, but old Raymond saw me and took it away.  I would only have eaten one!

Mom told them the only people food I get to eat is Carrots.  I didn't know carrots were people food.  Dad doesn't eat them.  I thought they were animal food and Mom was just stealing them from me.when she would eat them.  I always know when she does it.  She makes a lot of noise when she crunches them.  I don't let her get away with it.  I make her give me one too.

Then I got to show my kids how I could get a bunch of carrots that Mom stuck in my Kong Toy out in 2 minutes!  I don't think any of the kids could do that.

I was happy that the kids were happy.  I was sad to see them go back to class.  I watched as Miss Bernadette took them back to class.  I was hoping they would come back.

Please don't let your dogs eat theobromine.  (That's what's bad in chocolate.) And if you have any questions about what a dog can or cannot eat, go to this great website: 

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...