Sunday, August 20, 2017

On the Road Again

'Member a couple of weeks ago, I asked if we might be moving again?  Little did I know how right I was!  But it wasn't the usual packing by any means.  One day my favorite couch was gone.  Two days later, MY BED was gone!  I had to sleep all night with Mom and Dad.  THEN, Mom and Dad's bed was gone.

Where were we going to sleep now?  There isn't anything left except these boxes and the carpet.  
Well, I should have known, but Mom had it all planned out.  We went to a hotel.  In the city where I live!  Who woulda thought to go to a hotel where you live?  I always go to hotels in  Amarillo and places like that far far away from where I live.  So this was exciting.  We stayed at the Clayton Plaza and I got to open the magic door by glaring at it.  It was sooooo  cool.

Then we took off before the sun came up.  And I was back in my little cubical in the back seat of the new car.  I had to check out every angle.

(Mostly, I like looking where we've been.)

Then when I was done with that, Dad needed help with directions.  So I whispered good directions so Mom didn't know I was helping.

 Course, sometimes, I just had to get right in their faces so they would not make mistakes.
Finally, I was pretty sure they were on the right track.  (After all, its' 44 to 40 and then south to Home.  How hard can it be?)  So I took a break.

Guess we're in for a new kind of adventure in Arizona.  When we go back to visit St. Louis now, we can stay in fun hotels and stuff.  That'll be neat.  But till then, I'm just along for the ride.

Have some good adventures this week.

Love, G

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Creatures in the back yard!

Mom decided to weed out the back yard.  It got kinda messy while we were away for 8 months.  Lots and lots of big weeds.  They were "Uuuge".  (Hee, hee, I heard that word on the news.)

Anyway, apparently some little animal had thought we weren't ever coming back, so it thought it could homestead in my garden.  The nerve.  I ran out and tried to scare him away.  It wasn't easy.  
  I know he's in here somewhere!

oops, he escaped.

I think he went in here.

No, maybe he's over here.

Drat, he's got a home under the wood pile.

How long can he stay hidden, do ya think?

Longer than I want to wait.  That's for sure.  Wonder what it was?

Hope you can catch your creatures better'n me!

Love, G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...