Sunday, April 30, 2017

Who's Your Mama?

Mom has suddenly become obsessed with my family tree.  It might be because she and my Dad are trying to do their own family tree.  Or maybe it's because she still needs a lesson for Tuesday and it's already Sunday night!  I'm thinking it's the latter.

So we have all these pictures of different breeds of dogs.  She wants to let the kids try to identify them, and then she'll read them some history about them.  Then the kids will read a description of their personalities and try to decide which of their friends match which dogs.  We've learned some fun stuff.

For instance, did you know that in the 1400's the Bull Dog had a really weird job.   They thought back then that steaks would be tastier if they got the bull mad first.  So Bull Dog had to bite the bull on the nose to make him mad.  I don't think I'd like that job.  And now the Bull Dog is the national symbol of the Country of England.  Go figure. 

And according to the Dog Breed Bible, Bull Dogs are "jovial, comical & amiable."  I'll certainly give you comical.  This guy's pretty funny!  But I don't think he's in my family tree. 

This is the one I think looks just like me.  And I'm not the only one.  Some of our neighbors have said I look just like a Dutch Shepherd, too

This is a Dutch Shepherd                    This is me!

And a Dutch Shepherd is  "Affectionate, Obedient, Loyal, Trainable, Reliable, Alert".  Boy that's ME all over.  I bet I have a Dutch Shepherd in my family tree.

But the ears are different.  So Mom kept looking and first she thought, maybe a Terrier.

This is a Jack Russell Terrier.  (Actually they don't call them that anymore.  They call them Parson Russell Terrier.  The Parson who had the first one was named John so they used to be called Jack.  But now they have to call them Parson.  I don't know why.  Anyway, see how his ears flop down?

Mine flop down too.

But mine flop just at the tips.  So maybe it's more like a Border Collie. 

And see, the Border Collie has something else in common with me.  The first Border Collie was a dog named, Hemp.  Hemp was supposed to herd sheep.  But unlike most shepherds that nip at the heels of the sheep and bark at them to make them move, Hemp gave the sheep "the eye."  He just stared at them and they did what he wanted.  I do that too.  When I want Mom to let me out, I just sit by the back door and stare at her.  She knows what I want!

So I must be a Dutch Border Shepherd Collie Russell Terrier.  This is SOOOO confusing.
I hope Mom and Dad have better luck figuring out their family tree.  And how is this all going to help my kids at school learn something?  Well, I guess they'll learn all about me.  That's something.

Hope you know who your Mama is!

Love, G

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Another Birthday!

Wow!  I'm 28 already.  How time flies.  I got a fun Birthday Card from my friends at Gabriel's Angels.  I took a picture of it, 'cuz I couldn't believe how they got my picture and I didn't even know it.

And how did they know I like cake?  I do like cake!  At least I'm pretty sure I would like cake if anyone would give me some. 

For my birthday, I got to go to Jan's for a few days.  And I got to play with Chloe.  'Member Chloe?  The French Bull Dog?  She's not just ANY bull dog, she's French.  She barks with a French accent.  I can sometimes not understand her.

But we play really good.

This is our jumping around game.  I let Chloe get on top sometimes.  It's kinda hard for her 'cuz she's so short, so I get down really far and she can jump on my head.  That makes it more fun.

Then we played "Watch the shadows play".  That can be really fun too.
You just never know what your shadow will do!

Mom and Dad came home last night.  It was good to see them again.  But I did have fun for my birthday.

Hope you have fun birthdays, too.

Love, G

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Health Care

Went to see my kids again.  Mom decided to do a "Taking Care of Your Dog" theme and then relate it to my kids.  It worked great!

First we watched a video of taking care of your pup.  Including making sure they have a warm clean bed to sleep in.  (Heh, heh, my bed looked lots better than the one in the video.  'Cuz my bed is King Size and holds three of us quite comfortably.  At least if Mom moves her feet a bit.)  They also showed giving the pup exercise and feeding him and teaching him tricks.  And brushing him.  (Which I like.)  And bathing him (which I hate).  And last of all, giving him lots of love. 

Then they got to practice on me.  Not bad!  I got water in the collapsible bowl from the ACT kit.  (Good thing, I was getting thirsty.  It's a long hot drive to get to the school.)  Then they all tried to teach me to roll over.  (I wasn't going to make it easy for them, so I didn't do it.  I'll do it for them some other time.  When I think they're ready.)  Then they brushed me.  Oooooh, that felt really good.  And to finish it off, they all showed me how much they loved me!  Sigh.

After that, Mom asked the kids to list all the things that we do to care for a pup.  Then she asked them whether those are the same things that kids need too?  We all agreed, they really do need the same things I do.  Especially the love part. 

I went with them to take them all back to their classes.  Juan was eager to have me come in and meet his class.  (He's a funny one.  He didn't like to do much with me at first, but when he got to be the one to show me to his class -- he changed his tune!  Then I was like his very own puppy!  But I don't mind.  Fact, I kinda liked it.)

I'm pretty pooped now.  Think I'll just take a nap on my mini bed (not my real bed).

Make sure to love all your puppies and kids and kittens and everybody!

Love,  G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...