Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Youngsters are getting Bigger, too!

We went for a long walk yesterday.  I didn't really want to go.  I did my usual STRIKE in the courtyard.  That's where I put my feet down and won't go forward no matter what mom does.  But she tried something new.  She said, "Guinness, we're walking to the Dog Park.  Now do you want to come with me?"

What, I thought.  Walking to the Dog Park?  Normally we drive.  Is this a trick?  I wasn't sure, but I decided I should give it a chance.  I could always go on strike if we went the wrong way.  So I agreed and ran out the courtyard.

When we got to the library stairs, I went on STRIKE again.  I just wanted to be sure.  But Mom said, "Guinness, did you forget?  We are going to the Dog Park."  So I gave in and went on.

Well, we DID go to the Dog Park!  And guess what?  There were dogs there!  And one of those dogs was a puppy Marmaduke.  I didn't even know Marmaduke could ever be a puppy.  And this puppy was bigger than me.  And he's only 8 months old.  Look at him!

He runs funny.  His human says he only runs in a straight line.  He doesn't do turns.  And he looks like a pony when he runs.  But I liked him.  And we had a lot of fun.  I was tired and had to rest before we made the long walk home.

I guess I can trust Mom if she says we are going to the Dog Park.

I really do like to walk.  I don't know why sometimes I just decide not to.  I probably need a Doggie Shrink.  Dad thinks maybe I do. 

Hope you have nice walks and go fun places like I do.

Love, G

Sunday, September 18, 2016

My Auntie Debbie

I had a visit from my Auntie Debbie (the lawyer not the dentist).  My mom has a lot of friends who are real smart and do real hard jobs, like both of my Auntie Debs.  And this Auntie comes to visit just me!  And I really like that.  Mom thinks she comes to see her, but I know better.  She just pretends to visit my mom.  I start barking as soon as I hear her at the door, 'cuz I want her to know that I am really glad she has come to see me.

The last time she came, I let her sit on my couch with me.  We wrestled and played.  I was real careful not to hurt her.  Mom tells me I have to be careful because I'm stronger than I think I am.  And I think I'm pretty strong, so that means I could probably push Auntie Debbie off the couch without even trying.  I don't think I want to do that.  Auntie Debbie might not come and see me again if did.  Mom took a picture of us.  I behaved myself for the picture.  I know how to pose for pictures.   I SHOULD.  As many pictures as mom has taken of me and I have to pose!

I hope my Auntie Debbie comes back again soon.   Actually, I hope all my Aunties come to see me.  I really like all my Aunties.  Auntie Deb the Dentist and my Auntie Annie in South Carolina who takes care of rescues like me.  And Auntie Kelley who takes care of me sometimes.  And Auntie Jan who takes care of me in Arizona.  I have lots and lots of Aunties.  Everyone needs lots and lots of fun aunties.

I hope you all have your favorite aunties, too.

Love G

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

I learned to shake!

Mom and I went to work Monday morning.  I had double duty but I didn't know it till we got there.  Then once I had made the rounds saying hello to all my friends, she made an announcement.

"We are going to teach Guinness to shake his paw today!"  What?  That was the first I had heard of this.  I guess Mom didn't bring funny pictures like the last time.  Instead, I get to be the funny picture.

So sure enough, we tried.  She made me sit.  Which I do very well, thank you!  Then she said "Shake", and she stuck her hand out.  I saw she had treats in her other hand.  I had to think.  What could I do to get her to give me a treat?  So I went all the way down on my belly! Everybody laughed.  And Mom said, "No, Guinness, not Down.  Shake!"  I just looked at her.  What's this "Shake" thing?  I'll do whatever.  Just give me one of those treats.

So we started over.  About 6 times.  She kept grabbing my right paw.  Then she would say, "Yes, Shake" and give me a treat.  Finally a light clicked on in my head.  I lifted my right paw.  Boom!  I got a treat.  I did it again.  I got another treat.  They were ALL laughing now.  I didn't care.  I had figured out how to get those treats. 

Finally we took a break.  I went around and got petted by my friends.  Jill, the girl with Down Syndrome was there.  I kissed her on the cheek.  It was a good thing to do, 'cuz it made her really happy.  She told everyone that I had kissed her on the cheek.  So I did it again.

There was another gal there who stays all by herself.  She was there the last time too, but she seems to like to sit in a corner where no one else is.  I went over to her and she was a little timid with me.  But I licked her hand and she petted my head.  Then she stayed quiet again, so I went back to the table of ladies.  While I was there the lonely girl walked by.  One of the ladies said maybe the lonely girl was afraid of me.  I didn't think so.  I went back over to her and do you know what she did?  She had a BIG doggie treat hidden in her pocket and she dropped it right in front of me and gave me a big smile.  She's not afraid of me.  She likes me a lot!

Then there was Nathan.  He always has a hard time eating his breakfast.  That's OK by me.  He spilled lots of milk on the floor.  I helped clean it up.  Nathan, you can spill your breakfast anytime you want. 

Mom made me do Shake a couple of times more and then we said our goodbyes and went home.  All in all, it was a good time.  I haven't had so many treats in a long time.  Maybe ever!  It's nap time for this puppy.

Love, G.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Life with Aunt Kelley

Mom & Dad left me again.  They went to visit Dad's brother and some other relatives in someplace called Annapolis and Rehoboth Beach. 

My Aunt Kelley came and took care of me again.  We watched the news and I was worried 'cuz there was a Hurricane going near those places.  The Hurricane was called Hermine.  Kinda like the gal in Harry Potter that Mom used to read about.  That's a good book.  Or actually lots of books.  Uh, oh.  I'm supposed to be talking about the Hurricane.

Anyway, the Hurricane stopped.  So I didn't worry anymore.  But Kelley kept me busy 'cuz our weather was really good.  We took lots of long walks and I got rather tired.  We watched TV together, but I couldn't stay awake.

I'll have to get back to you next week.  Sleep well.  And don't let the hurricanes blow you over.

Love,  G

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...