Monday, November 30, 2015


(By the way.  If you are looking at this in an email and you can't see the videos, here's what to do:  You need to go to my blog on the internet and view it from there.  Just click here on this:

Now for my story.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I did.  I was thankful that it wasn't like my last year's Thanksgiving.  Do you remember that one?  I ate a golf glove and was sick for two days!

Today I am giving thanks for a lot of things:  my mom and dad, my friends (even my javelina and bobcat and coyote friends) and all of you. 

And I'm thankful for doggie beds and comfy sofas and cushy pillows. (I don't eat them anymore.) 

I'm thankful for delicious dog food and doggie treats and food that falls on the floor in the kitchen.

What I didn't give thanks for was the Thanksgiving paper.  Do you know how big that thing is?   Just watch this video!

(The reason the video cuts out before I get the paper in the house, is that mom had to come rescue it, because it was falling out of the bag.  I don't think that was my fault.  Who needs all of that paper anyway.  Does anyone actually read all those extra ads? )
I much prefer getting the paper on a regular day.  Then the paper is a reasonable size.  Like in this video! 

 That's what I get paid to do!
Anyway, hope your Thanksgiving was full of good food and fun!
Love, G

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Is my face red!

Well, not really.  My face couldn't get red.  But I was embarrassed last week.  So my face FELT red, even if it really wasn't.

What happened?  My friend Brutus came over to play with me at our private park.  But in case you don't remember, I said his name was Buster, not Brutus.  And he read my blog!  So he knew I got his name wrong.  But did he get mad at me?  No.  Brutus is really nice.  In fact he's much more polite than my friend Ozzie.  Brutus is kinda like me.  But that's not always good when we play together.

I tried getting Brutus to play tug-o-war with my Kong Frizbee.  I offered him the Frizbee a bunch of times.  I even asked him to play with me and my frizbee. 

But Brutus wouldn't take the Frizbee from me or even try tug-o-war.  He thought if I had the frizbee, then I he wouldn't try to take it from me.  Doesn't he know that's the game?  I guess not.

I tried everything I could think of.  I showed him how much fun the frizbee was to play with....
He didn't really know what to think of my games, I think.

But we played regular games, too.  Like wrestling.  And running after a ball.  He really, really likes to catch balls.  Lots more than I do.  But I played along with him and ran after his balls, too.  I thought maybe then he would play with my frizbee.  But the only time he played with my frizbee, was when I was playing with his ball.  Then he figured I didn't want my frizbee so he could play with it.  Isn't that so polite of him?
But then, he mostly just stepped on the frizbee.  I don't think he has a frizbee to play with at his house.
We had lots of fun.  And then we both got pretty tired and had to take a break.  Brutus was more tired than I was I think.  Look at his tongue hanging out.  And that was after we both had a drink of water!
I told Brutus I was really sorry I got his name wrong, but I hoped he would come again and play.  He is really, really nice.  He said not to worry, we could still be friends and he would love to come over and play with me again.
 I hope you don't ever forget anyone's name.  But if you do, I hope they are as nice about it as Brutus was to me.  He's a good friend.

Sunday, November 15, 2015


Oh, joy!  Oh, joy!  Ozzie came to play with me.  We have been back in Arizona for three weeks and I didn't know where my Ozzie was.  You remember Ozzie.  The beautiful Australian Shepherd who likes to boss me and Buster around.  I missed him and Buster sooooo much. 

But yesterday, Mom invited her friend Ellen to come over and bring Ozzie to play in the park.  Buster was maybe going to come too, but he couldn't make it.  I can't wait to see Buster, too.  Buster is a German Shepherd, like me, but waaayyyy bigger.  Oh, wait.  I'm supposed to be talking about Ozzie. 

So Mom and me went to the park.  We sat and watched kids play basketball.  I didn't know why we would do that.  I mean, I love to watch kids do almost anything, but I couldn't remember ever sitting with Mom to watch them play basketball.  But I was fascinated.

Suddenly, I heard a car drive in behind us.  My "Greeting" instincts kicked in and I turned to go greet the newcomers.  I KNEW that car.  It was my Ozzie's car.  Well not really.  It really is his mom's car, but he was in it.  I just knew it.
I ran to the door to help Ellen (not my Mom, Ellen, but Mom's friend, Ellen) get out of the car.  Then I ran to the back 'cuz I knew Ozzie sits in the trunk and he was there!  Oh, joy.
He jumped out and we immediately jumped up and down on each other.  Mom pulled me away, and said we had to wait till we got to the grass before we could wrestle.  So I raced down the path and told Ozzie to follow and I dragged mom towards the grass.  I could not wait to play with Ozzie.
And when we got there, did we play?  We ran and ran and ran.

 Ozzie forgot to bring his toys.  But I offered him my new Kong Frizbee.
We played keep-away and tug-o-war.  And they I asked him to play with my ball, too.

We played so hard, we finally had to stop and take a breath.
Of course, Ozzie made sure he had control of my ball when we rested.  Nothing's changed! 
I'm so glad I have my Ozzie back!  Now we need Buster to come back too.  It's nice to have friends!

Hope you all have good friends to play with. 
Love, G

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Do you like my new BIG friend?

We're really back in Arizona.  I'm getting back into the routine.  Sleep on the bed with Mom and Dad at night.  Wrestle with them on the bed till someone gets up and gets me my breakfast.  Take a loooooong walk all around Desert Camp Road.  Then Mom and Dad have breakfast (and Mom sneaks me a squirt of whipped cream when she makes a bowl of fruit for Dad.)  Then I'm ready for a nap with Dad. 

Mom says, when I take a nap, sometimes I move like I'm running in my sleep.  And she may be right.  'Cuz today I was napping and I was dreaming about Boots.  Who is Boots?  Didn't I tell you about Boots?  I can't believe it.  Boots is so cool.

Well let me tell you about Boots.  Boots is actually back in St. Louis.  He came to my new Dog Park near the school.  (Where Cider the mean dog doesn't come.)  Mom said Boots should have been named Beethoven.  I don't know why.  He looks like Boots to me.  See, here is Boots.

You can see why they call him Boots.  He is so pretty with those white boots.  He has white on his chest just like me.  And he was so very nice to me.

I introduced him to my funny pool.  He really liked it. 

Then we ran and played and ran some more.  (That's probably what I was doing in my sleep when my legs were moving in my nap.) 
 I told him to come back again when I come back to Clayton.  We could be really good friends. 

Anyway, that's Boots.  You can see why I dreamt I was running with him.  It was a good dream.  I have lots of good dreams.

Hope you have the best dreams!

Love, G

Sunday, November 1, 2015

...oh, Whew! They're NOT trying to leave me!

If you remember, in my last blog post, I was really worried that Mom and Dad were going on another long vacation and leaving me.  I was glued to my little doggie bed which Mom had put in the kitchen and I thought she was going to send me and the doggie bed away.

That night, we all went to bed and I worried all night. I got up off the bed during the night and wandered around the bedroom.  Were Mom and Dad going to go away?  What was going on?  I didn't know.  Mom was up and around, too.  What was she doing?  Was she worried, too?  Then Dad was up too.  They were up too early.  My stomach hadn't started growling yet, but WOW! I was getting breakfast WAY before the sun was up.  This couldn't be all bad.

Soon we were putting things on the elevator and sending them down to the basement.  The car was full of stuff.  All the stuff that had been stored in the back room!  It was all in the car.  This must be it.  They were ready to put all the stuff and me in the car and go away.

Wait.  That's not how it happened when they went to Scotland.  Then they sent their stuff down to the basement and then gave me a few pats and left.  This is different.  I AM going with them.  I'm getting in the back seat and my doggie bed is coming with us and we are all going!  Oh, joy, Oh, joy!

Soon we were on our way.  And this time, I knew we would go by the turn for the Dog Park.  Not like the last time when I thought they had missed the turn.  I know now.  We're on our way back to Scottsdale and my friends back there.  And we are all going together. 

I could finally relax, knowing the we were all going to be together.  And I knew this was going to be a long, long trip.  I remember it from last year.  I may as well settle in on my pillow and make the most of it.
Along the way, I could see Dad needed my advice on where we were going, so I got up and gave him my ideas.
I'm sure he appreciated it.  I like to make his life easier.
We rode for 11 or more hours, and I was getting hungry and tired.  We saw a Billboard that advertised just what I was looking for.  Lots and lots of food.
And, it didn't cost anything.  I told Dad to stop so we could get the 72 oz Steak.  And we did stop.  But he didn't get the steak.  I got my usual dinner.  Which I really appreciated by then. We stayed at another La Quinta Hotel - like the last time we went to Scottsdale. And this time I went right to sleep.  I wasn't worried anymore.  I knew where we were going.
And the next day, I spent most of my day protecting the food box in the back seat.  I wanted to be sure it was there when we got to Scottsdale.
And we finally made it back.  I'm really glad to be back here and looking forward to seeing my old friends.
But I'm 'specially glad that Mom and Dad weren't thinking about leaving me.  I think they really need me around.  And I'm happy to help them. 
Talk to you soon.  I've some sleep to catch up on.
Love, G.
PS  It's really nice here in Scottsdale.  We're going for a long walk tomorrow.  

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...