Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Words of Wisdom from Guinness

Mom & Dad went to Connecticut to see my Grandma Simmons.  She lives where it's cold and snowy.  And they might not get home in time to help me with my blog, so I'm going to try and do it myself.  Just don't tell them.  I'm not supposed to do the computer by myself.

But I wanted to do it 'cuz I was reading a really good article while they were away.  It's called "Our Dog Years".  It was about this guy who adopted a stray puppy (like me) and he called him Foghat (Foggie for short).  Foggie lived to be 18 years old and had lots and lots of experiences with his humans.  (I have had lots and lots of experiences with my humans, too, but I'm only almost two, and I hope to have lots and lots more.)

Anyway, his human learned a lot from his puppy and I want to share it with you.  It's about getting older.  Well, I'm not getting old, but I AM getting older -- every day -- and lots of my friends are a lot older than me.  So I guess it's good advice for any age, 'cuz someday, we'll all be older.  I think.  Here's what his human said in AARP The Magazine:"

"Everything you do for a dog to help them age well, you should do with them.  So eat the best food you can afford.  Go for a walk, even if it's raining.  Take a lot of naps.  Keep your teeth clean and your breath fresh, so that the people you lick will not flinch.  And when someone you love walks in through the door, even if it happens five times a day, go totally insane with joy."


Till next week....
Love, G.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

I have a new friend!

Actually, Mom & I both have a new friend.  Her new friend is "Ellen".  I think that's cool, 'cuz it's my Mom's name, too and it's easy to remember, AND when you call "Ellen" they both come running! (Well no, I can't really say, "Ellen", but other people do and they both answer.)

MY new friend is Ellen's puppy Ozzie.  He is an Australian Shepherd.  He's one of those Pure Breds, not like me.  But he's nice.  He's really pretty.  Don't you think?

Ozzie's a little younger than me, but he doesn't have as much energy as me.  Ellen says it's because he's overweight.  That's when you eat too much and your belly gets big.  I don't think he's overweight.  And I don't think I could ever be overweight.  They don't feed me enough as it is!  I wish Ellen was my Mom and maybe she would feed me 'till I was overweight.  That would be great.

Anyway, we ran and ran and ran and ran.  And I let Ozzie play with my frizbees. 

Ozzie played nicely with me for awhile, but then he got kinda bossy and wanted all the toys.

Mom says it's because he is an Australian Shepherd and they have to be bossy 'cuz they grow up to herd sheep and their people and stuff.  But why does he have to be bossy about it?  I'm partly a German Shepherd, and I'm not bossy.  (In fact, Mom says I am a Wimp!  And she was smiling when she said it, so I'm sure it's a good thing to be a wimp!)  I guess it's just because Germans must be nicer than Australians.  I asked Mom and she said she was pretty sure that Australians are really nice, too.  It's so confusing. 
After awhile, I had to take a break and I sat wayyyyy away from Ozzie.  You see, a big black Labrador came by while we were playing.  And she was almost as bossy as Ozzie.  They were fighting because Molly took one of Ozzie's toys and sat down with it.  Ozzie got mad and sat on her head.  It wasn't pretty.  That's why I had to sit wayyyy away from Ozzie.  I didn't want him to sit on my head.

I hope Ozzie comes back.  Even if he is bossy, we had lots of fun.  And I think my mom likes Ellen to come and play too.

That's what I know this week.  Stay warm!  We are!


Sunday, January 4, 2015

New Years Resolutions

I spent all last week working on my New Year's Resolutions.  It was tough!  I know that having Goals are real important.  (I'm not sure why, but my mom says so, and she's usually right.)  

Some of my resolutions are not just for me, but are for my Mom & Dad because I think they can use some help with theirs.

So I wrote down my resolutions for 2015.  (OK, so I can't write.  I typed them on this computer though.  So there!)


#1.  I will not eat my bed.  Nor any cushion that serves as my bed. 

Mom keeps my pillow in my cage, and I like to go there sometimes.  Cages are nice places.  You can feel safe and comfy.  But if I eat my pillow, it won't be as comfy.  So I'm going to promise  for 2015 not to eat my pillow. 

#2.  I will make new friends whether they are like me or different from me.  Like the ones I met last year.   

I told Mom that if I make new friends, then she needs to, too.  And she's already trying.  She joined a Book Club and goes to these Women's Club meetings.  (Maybe she said Happy Hours.  I'd like a Happy Hour.  At Always Unleashed, they call those Yappy Hours.  Is she going to Yappy Hours without me?  Maybe I don't want her to meet new people after all.)
#3.  I will keep Mom & Dad healthy. 
I've been looking at the TV adds, and everyone is trying to lose weight for 2015.  But I won the 6th Annual St. Louis Post Dispatch Cutest Pet Contest and I'm cute the way I am.  I don't need to lose weight.  But I will make sure that Mom & Dad keep to their 3 mile walking schedule every morning.  ('Cuz I'd be really sad if we didn't do it.) 

AND, I'm going to help them get back into Yoga.  I heard Dad say that he wanted to do Yoga again.  They have classes up the street at the Rec Center.  But I know lots of Yoga moves and I'm working up a program for them.  I'll share that with you next week.  I really like that I can help Mom & Dad be healthy.
#4.  I will follow the rules. 
If I've learned anything, it's that if I do what I'm told, then good things happen.  And when I screw up, I get stomach aches.  ("member the golf glove?  If you don't,  look at my post "Thanksgiving BellyAche ".

#5.  I will do something new and fun next year.
I talked to Mom about this one.  I want to make a difference in a kid's life, or maybe make a Grandmother happy.  She said that if I would agree to take some classes to be certified as a Therapy Dog, then we could do those things.  Maybe I could have kids who don't like to read, read to me.  I would really like that.  I could learn all about Harry Potter, if a kid would read that to me.  (Mom told me about Harry Potter, but she already read all about him -- in French -- and I don't know French.  So I would rather have a kid read to me about him so I could understand.)
And guess who is teaching the classes?  My old friend, Brad Jaffe from Dogological.com who thinks I'm the Bees Knees.  (What is the Bees Knees?)!
#6.   I will get lots of sleep. 

Sleep is good for health.  It's good for everything.  Everybody should take a good nap every day.  I'm working on Mom & Dad so they will join me everyday for a nap.  I think Dad agrees with me.  But we're still working on Mom.

If you need any help on your New Years Resolutions, just ask me.  I would be happy to help. 
Love and Happy and Healthy New Year!

Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanzaa and whatever you celebrate!

 I've written a poem for this Happy Season (and of course, I star in it!): Guinness the Bright Eyed Rescue Had two very dazzling eyes ...